- sanitation felling卫生伐,合理地砍伐 SF
- sanitary landfill卫生填地,垃圾填坑,卫生掩埋
- sanitation facility卫生设施 SF
- satellite ozone data卫星测得的臭氧资料 SOD
- sanitary landfilling卫生填地,垃圾填坑,卫生掩埋 SL
- satellite infrared radiation spectrometer (SIRS)卫星红外辐射光谱仪 SIRS
- satellite system卫星系统 SS
- satellite sensor卫星上的传感器
- satellite-borne卫星携带的,卫星装载的 SB
- balks未耕地 B
- unplasticized PVC未增塑聚氯乙烯 UP
- unburnt solids未燃固体 US
- unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)未增塑聚氯乙烯 UPVC
- temperate forest biosphere温带森林生物层 TFB
- uncontrolled vehicle未装废气净化装置的车辆 UV
- pattern of temperatures温度的分布 POT
- thermal stratification温度分层,热结层
- temperature,salinity and current report温度含盐量及海流观测报告,温盐流报告 TSACR
- temperature stratification温度分层,热结层 TS
- verticql temperature profile radiometer温度铅直廓线辐射仪 VTPR
- lapse rate温度直减率
- vertical temperature gradient温度铅直梯度
- greenhouse model温室模型 GM
- greenhouse gas (GHG)温室气体,致温室效应气体 GHG
- greenhouse climate温室气候 GC
- greenhouse-warming potential (GHP)温室升温潜能值 GHP
- greenhouse-induced variations of climate温室效应引起的气候变化 GIVOC
- thermocline温跃层,斜温层
- greenhouse warming温室效应引起的气温升高 GW
- eddy diffusion coefficient涡动扩散系数 EDC
- SSOL,steady-state ozone level稳定状态的臭氧水平
- turbo(-)charged engine涡轮增压发动机 TCE
- vortex breakdown涡旋崩解 VB
- eddy涡旋,涡动,涡流
- cyclone-recovery skimmer涡旋式水上浮油回收装置 CRS
- eutrophic waters沃化水,含太多养分的水 EW
- Our Common Futur我们的共同未来 OCF
- sludge污泥,淤泥
- sludge digestion污泥消化法
- sludge contact process污泥接触处理法 SCP
- pattern of pollution污染的模式 POP
- SCOP,statutory ceiling on pollution污染的法定最高限度
- pollution abatement costs污染防治成本
- pollution control污染控制 PC
- pollution load污染负荷 PL
- pollution control ship污染控制船 PCS
- pollution control policy污染控制政策 PCP
- pollution control measures污染控制措施 PCM
- pollution-intensive goods污染密集货物,强烈造成污染的货物 PIG
- pollution episode污染敏感时刻,特别容易受污染威胁的时候 PE
- environmental criteria
- approved facility(AF)
- R142
- vinyl trichloride (CHCl2CH2Cl)
- ethylidene chloride
- ethylidene fluoride
- fluorocarbon-500
- WCOEIEIT 1990,World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s
- fluorocarbon-504
- fluorocarbon-503
- fluorocarbon-502
- E layer
- CLIMAT broadcast(CB)
- NCA(NOx control approach)
- F-region
- NS,NOx sink
- NS,NOx station
- pH change(s),PCS
- NR,NOx reservoir
- pH decline