- rime雾凇 R
- performance of the adsorbent吸附剂效率,吸附剂性能 POTA
- infrared-absorbing gas吸收红外线气体 IAG
- endothermic reaction吸热反应 ER
- absorber vessel吸收器,吸收装置 AV
- sink吸收汇
- absorptive complex吸收性复合体 AC
- alkene烯,链烯烃
- olefins烯烃,链烯 O
- tree savanna稀树干草原
- lean-burn engine稀混合气发动机 LBE
- rare earth metals稀土金属 REM
- scrubbing洗涤,涤气
- scrubber洗涤器,涤气器
- washing powders洗涤粉,肥皂粉 WP
- scrubber sludge洗涤器淤渣 SS
- coal washing洗煤 CW
- cleaning solvent洗涤液,洗涤溶剂
- cell line细胞株,细胞系
- mull细腐殖质,腐熟腐殖质
- fine textured suil细质地土壤 FTS
- down-slope wind下坡风 DSW
- Down flow下吹风
- outfall下水道污水排出口
- land disposal of sewage sludge下水污泥的地面处理 LDOSS
- sewerage (system)下水道系统,污水排水工程 SS
- fibre reinforced plastic纤维增强塑料 FRP
- acyl radical酰基 AR
- on-site现场,就地
- free acyl radical酰游离基,酰自由基 FAR
- pattern of events现象的特征 POE
- modern liquid chromatography现代液相色谱法 MLC
- active solar energy system现用的太阳能系统 ASES
- limit (value)限值 LV
- linear polyethylene (LPE)线型聚乙烯 LPE
- amenities of the countryside乡村的舒适 AOTC
- loss of containment限制使用失去效率 LOC
- inter(-)related (issues)相关问题 IRI
- odorant香料,香味剂,气味剂
- inter-relations相互关系 IR
- windward向风的,迎风的
- on-shore wind向岸风,离海风 OSW
- upward (total) radiation向上全辐射 UTR
- out-emission向外排放 OE
- outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)向外长波辐射 OLR
- downward (total) radiation向下全辐射 DTR
- toxicity elimination消除毒性,清除毒性 TE
- denoxing消除氮的氧化物 D
- desoxing消除二氧化硫 D
- change in consumer attitudes消费者态度的变化 CICA
- environmental criteria
- approved facility(AF)
- R142
- vinyl trichloride (CHCl2CH2Cl)
- ethylidene chloride
- ethylidene fluoride
- fluorocarbon-500
- WCOEIEIT 1990,World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s
- fluorocarbon-504
- fluorocarbon-503
- fluorocarbon-502
- E layer
- CLIMAT broadcast(CB)
- NCA(NOx control approach)
- F-region
- NS,NOx sink
- NS,NOx station
- pH change(s),PCS
- NR,NOx reservoir
- pH decline