- Quality Management Engineering质量管理工程学
- intelligence quotient {= I.Q.}智力商数,智商
- Basis of Artificial Intelligence Meter智能化仪表基础
- intelligent instrument智能化仪器
- intelligent machine智能机器
- Design&Application of Artificial Intelligence Instrument智能仪器设计与应用
- Intellectual impairment智能障碍
- dropout中辍{中途辍学}
- dropouts中辍生
- medieval education中古教育,中世纪教育
- Chinese Traditional Culture & New Literature中国传统文化与新文学
- Topics on Chinese Traditional Culture中国传统文化专题
- Chinese the present age history of literature中国当代文学史
- Chinese Law Concept中国法学概论
- History of Chinese Revolution & Construction中国革命与建设史
- History of Ancient Chinese Architecture中国古代建筑史
- Appreciation of Famous Ancient Chinese Works中国古代名著欣赏
- Chinese ancient history中国古代史
- Chinese ancient literature中国古代文学
- Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese Literary Work中国古代文学作品选讲
- Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels中国古典小说名著选讲
- Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Novels中国古典小说选讲
- Technique of Chinese Painting中国画技巧
- History of Recent & Modern Chinese Economy中国近现代经济史
- Chinese Economy & Social Development Strategy中国经济与社会发展战略
- Selections of Chinese Poetry中国历代诗歌选
- Appreciation of Chicese Art中国美术欣赏
- Research on Chinese Poetry & Prose中国诗话词话研究
- modern Chinese history中国现代史
- China's taxation structure中国税制
- contemporary Chinese literature中国现代文学
- modern Chinese Literature中国现代文学史
- Schools of Chinese Contemporary Novel中国现代小说流派
- the history of Chinese journalism中国新闻事业史
- intermediate inorganic chemistry中级无机化学
- Medium Inorganic Chemistry & Experiment中级无机化学及实验
- Experiment on Medium Inorganic Chemistry中级无机化学实验
- middle school中间学校{英},中学{美}
- middle way educational placement中介安置教育措施
- Selected Readings of Chinese Socialist Construction Documents中社建文献选读
- No return中途弃权,未回终点
- transition school;middle way school中途学校{中介安置教育处所}
- headmaster中小学校长(英)
- central school中央学校
- Study and Exploitation of Traditional Chinese Medicine中药新药研究与开发
- Typing & Editing in English & Chinese中英文打字与编排
- Technology of Inputting in English & Chinese中英文信息输入技术
- imbecile中愚
- imbecile中愚者
- life tenure终身任期