- Enilospirone依尼螺酮
- Enisoprost依尼前列素
- Enolicam依诺利康
- Enoxamast依诺司特
- Ipazilide依帕利特
- Epanolol;Eponolol依泮洛尔
- Epiroprim依匹普林
- Epervudine依培夫定
- Eprobemide依普贝胺
- Eprovafen依普伐芬
- Eproxindine依普吲定
- Elziverine依齐维林
- Etrabamine依曲巴明
- Elsamitrucin依沙芦星
- time dependent stoichiometric reactions依时计量学反应
- Eseridine依舍立定
- Eptastigmine依斯的明
- Isotiquimide依索喹胺
- Etacepride依他必利
- Etamestrol依他雌醇
- Etaqualone依他喹酮
- Eptacog alfa(activated)依他凝血素α
- ethacrynic acid依他尼酸
- Eptaloprost;Eptaprost依他前列素
- Etazepine依他西平
- Etabenzarone依他扎隆
- Eptazocine依他佐辛
- Etanterol依坦特罗
- Etersalate依特柳酯
- Etifinin依替菲宁
- Eticlopride依替必利
- Etidronic Acid依替膦酸
- Etiproston依替前列通
- Conditionally linear依条件线性
- Etintidine依汀替丁
- Etofenamate依托芬那酯
- Etomidoline依托多林
- Etoformin依托福明
- Eltoprazine依托拉嗪
- Etolorex依托雷司
- Ethosalamide依托柳胺
- Ethonam依托南
- Etozolin依托唑啉
- Etolotifen依托替芬
- IMO In my opinion依我所见
- Exepanol依西帕醇
- Dibrompropamidine Isethionate依西双溴丙脒
- Stilbamidine Isetionate依西司替巴脒
- Epsiprantel依西太尔
- Exiproben依昔罗酸
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver