- Efletirizine乙氟利嗪
- Eflumast乙氟司特
- Egualen乙呱仑
- Emiglitate乙格列酯
- Esuprone乙磺普隆
- Trazium Esilate乙磺三嗪铵
- codethyline ,ethyl morphine乙基吗啡
- B grade乙级
- Ethocarlide乙卡脲
- Emitefur乙嘧替氟
- Etomoxir乙莫克舍
- Etamocycline乙莫环素
- Enofelast乙诺司特
- acetylene lamp乙炔燈
- acetylene cylinder乙炔气(风煤)樽
- Etisulergine乙舒麦角
- Ethylidenedicoumarol乙双香豆素
- Ethenzamide乙水杨胺
- Eltanolone乙他诺隆
- Etisomicin乙索米星
- Acetarsol乙酞胂胺
- vinyl monomer乙烯基单体
- Ethephon乙烯磷
- Acetylmethionine乙酰蛋氨酸
- Acetylpiperacetamide乙酰胡椒乙胺
- Acecainide乙酰卡尼
- diamorphine乙酰吗啡
- Acetyl_DL_Leucine乙酰亮氨酸
- Acesulfame乙酰舒泛
- acetagastrodin乙酰天麻素
- ethyl acetoacetate乙酰乙酸乙酯(EAcAc)
- burbonal,bourbonal乙香草醛
- Ebrotidine乙溴替丁
- Eclazolast乙唑司特
- treated timber已处理木料
- Exaprolol已丙洛尔
- treated water已处理水
- counted ballot paper已点算的选票
- pre-set principle已订原则
- Dienestrol;Dienoestrol已二烯雌酚
- spent provision已丧失时效的条文
- declared area已宣布区域
- lowest ever known discharge已知最小流量
- exhausted ballot paper已用尽选择的选票
- vote by secret ballot以不记名投票方式表决,以不记名投票方式选举
- rule by consensus以大多数意见为依归
- determine by a majority of votes以多数票表决
- appointed ad personam以个人身分获委任
- in attendance as observer以观察员身分列席
- TTUL Talk to you later以后再讲
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver