- sprocket drive spindle有齿轮轴
- You cannot have your cake and eat it.有得就有失。事难两全其美。
- in stock有存货
- broadly based有多方面代表参与
- Through thick and thin有甘也有苦
- bribery or intimidation relating to candidature有关参选的贿赂或恐吓
- false statement about a candidate有关候选人的虚假声明
- party concerned有关人士
- broadly representative有广泛代表性
- harmful solids有害固相
- street car detector有轨电车侦察器
- Harmful gas有害氣體
- silicone有机硅
- organic ligand有机配位体
- organic salt有机盐
- organic slat solution有机盐溶液
- organic esters有机酯类化合物
- contested election有竞逐的选举
- Organic soil有機土
- favorable balance有利差额
- profitable survivor strategy有利可图的生存者战略
- purpose sampling有目的抽样
- strong firm有气色
- entitled to,to be有权利的
- age of entitlement to vote有权投票年龄,选民年龄
- authorized signatures有权签字员样本
- It is stressed that有人强调
- It is proposed that有人提议
- It is announced that有人宣告
- It is sometimes asked that有人有时会问
- It is asserted that有人主张/断言
- the black sheep of the family有辱门楣的人
- tinted paint有色油漆
- Colored glass有色玻璃
- theism;theist有神论,有神论者
- Have the Midas touch有生财的运气,手气好
- animate有生的
- call a spade a spade有什么就说什么
- conditional acceptance有条件认付
- conditional sales contract有条件售货契约
- voting member有投票权的成员
- condition sale有条件销售
- Caudata有尾目
- stock in hand有现货
- limited-service wholesalers有限服务的批发商
- Finite Sample有限样本
- FEM有限元素法
- limited franchise有限制的选举权
- Finite State Morphology有限状态构词法 [有限状态词法]
- finite state language有限状态语言
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver