- Drainage network排水管网
- composing stick, compositor’s stick排字手托
- PMS:Pantone Matching System潘通匹配系统
- a convoluted seashell盘旋状贝壳
- dish盘子的总称
- a collateral consanguinity旁系亲族
- Punjabis旁遮普人
- Pedis佩迪人
- inkjet printing喷墨打印
- Metamerism配色条件
- jet printing ink喷射印刷油墨
- sprinkler head喷头
- spray painting喷釉
- PFI Port Fuel Injection喷嘴燃油喷射
- dilatant fluid膨胀性流体(胀流型流体)
- preference color偏好色
- plate glazing calender平板抛光机,平板砑光机
- passage票,票价
- plate glazing平板压光
- offset ink平版油墨
- mat ink (dull ink)平光油墨(无光油墨)
- of humble birth平民出身
- gear pair with parallel axes平行轴齿轮副
- glazing by splashing泼釉
- Pushtus普什图人
- exposure test曝光试验
- steal普通用词,指暗中行窃。
- Heptacontane七十烷
- Toxicodendron vernicifluum漆树
- living room起居室
- greasing起油腻
- scumming起脏
- GDI Gasoline (Engine) Direct Injection汽油(发动机)直喷
- Altair牵牛星(河鼓二,牛郎星)(位于天鹰座)
- per thousand千分之…
- leads,lead bar铅条
- LRG Lead Replacement Gasoline铅替代汽油
- lead glazing铅条玻璃窗,铅釉
- visa签证
- bang前刘海
- originate强调产生变化的起源
- appear强调公开露面,被看见。
- lonely强调孤独感,含渴望和他人在一起的意味。
- dominant强调权威
- robust强调身体强健
- Chokwes乔奎人
- EEV Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicles and Engines强化的欧洲环境友好车辆和发动机
- Joluos乔卢奥人
- DI Detergent Inhibitor清净分散抗氧复合剂
- Y2K problem(y for year,k for kilo or thousand)
- (quaternary/information industry)
- canonization of "Saints"
- "Strike"
- "On your marks!"
- "Ball"
- "two equal political entities
- two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by
- three links:link of trade,travel and post
- "Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep.
- a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot
- ampersand
- waiter
- electronic coponent marking ink
- keep
- cash
- pay
- sign
- accept
- cancel