- sit down请坐
- ball rust test球锈蚀试验
- zone theory区带理论
- visecosity reducer去粘剂
- detergent; cleanser去污粉
- Full-time全日制
- All rise!全体起立!
- super water prevent lens全效发水膜镜片
- auto-chart Presenting Instrument全自动电脑视力灯箱
- advanced optometric equipment & integrated refractometer全自动电脑验光仪
- auto lensmeter全自动焦度计
- auto lens edger全自动磨边机
- auto keratometer全自动角膜曲率计
- a jejune diet缺乏营养的食物
- a paucity of natural resources缺乏自然资源
- CCD Combustion Chamber Deposit燃烧室沉积
- heat treatment cycle热处理工艺周期
- thermo curing printing ink热固化油墨
- heat-set printing ink热固着油墨
- plastisol ink热熔油墨
- blocking under warming热粘连
- cap,cork热水瓶瓶盖
- HR Management人力资源管理词汇
- heat transfer printing ink热转移油墨
- Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery人们为什么热衷于摸彩票
- sh shorthand人手不足
- JAST Japan Society of Tribologists日本摩擦学者协会
- JASO Japanese Automobile Standards Organization日本汽车标准组织
- JSAE Society of Automotive Engineers (Japan)日本汽车工程师学会
- JARI Japan Automobile Research Institute日本汽车研究学会
- PAJ Petroleum Association of Japan日本石油协会
- JALOS Japanese Lubricating Oil Society日本润滑油协会
- meltdown熔化,熔毁,变卖(财产)
- flexographic printing ink柔性版油墨
- orotic acid乳清酸
- emulsion乳液
- registration desk入宿登记处
- roller coating ink软管滚涂油墨
- Printing ink for flexible tube软管油墨
- LOFI Lubricant Oil Flow Improver润滑油流动改进剂
- IGL Investigation Group Lubricants (of CEC)润滑剂调查小组(属CEC)
- Salvadorians萨尔瓦多人
- Sasaks萨萨克人
- Senufos塞努福人
- cellulose triacetate,acetate film,acetate base三醋酸纤维素片基
- process ink , trichromatic ink三色版油墨
- Tritriacontane三十三烷
- 3D pattern less lens edging system三维全自动免模板磨边机
- Santalis桑塔尔人
- Songhais桑海人
- Y2K problem(y for year,k for kilo or thousand)
- (quaternary/information industry)
- canonization of "Saints"
- "Strike"
- "On your marks!"
- "Ball"
- "two equal political entities
- two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by
- three links:link of trade,travel and post
- "Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep.
- a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot
- ampersand
- waiter
- electronic coponent marking ink
- keep
- cash
- pay
- sign
- accept
- cancel