- PC- API Categories for Diesel enginesAPI柴油发动机油分类
- A-bedplateA形底座
- CEC-TLTC CEC Transmission Lubricants Technical CommitteeCEC传动润滑油技术委员会
- CEC-ELTC CEC Engine Lubricants Technical CommitteeCEC发动机润滑油技术委员会
- CEC-EFTC CEC Engine Fuels Technical CommitteeCEC发动机燃料技术委员会
- CIE tristimulus valuesCIE三刺激值
- CIE chromaticity diagramCIE色度图
- CIE color spaceCIE色空间
- CIE colour systemCIE颜色系统
- D-valveD形阀
- GF-ILSAC SpecificationGF-ILSAC规格
- L-electronL层电子(原子核外第二层的电子)
- hematiteí铁矿,血石,代赭石
- L-LeucineL-亮氨酸(Sigma)
- M-wingM形机翼
- confrontationn.对审,面对面,面对,对质
- miscellanean.杂集,杂录
- sanctionsn.制裁
- O-memberO-成员
- wall creepern旋壁雀
- P-memberP-成员
- V.V.S(Very Very slight)V.V.S级
- peregrinatevt.旅行
- elutriateVt.陶析
- adamas of Araia阿拉伯钻石
- oh,I see啊我明白了
- Ewes埃维人
- Egyptians埃及人
- safe-conduct,pass安全通行证
- ODC(On-Demand Color)按需色
- demand printing按需印刷
- dark field暗场
- non-luminous body暗体
- gravure ink for polyvinyl chloride film凹版聚氯乙烯薄膜油墨
- alcohol based gravure ink凹版醇型油墨
- gravure ink for cold-laminating plastic film凹版冷复合塑料薄膜油墨
- gravure ink for heat-laminating plastic film凹版热复合塑料薄膜油墨
- gravure ink of plastic film凹版塑料薄膜油墨
- bowl凹笔
- Oraons奥朗人
- Ovimbundus奥文本杜人
- Oriyas奥里雅人
- Australia & NZ澳大利亚和新西兰
- Octacontane八十烷
- Paraguans巴拉圭人
- Panamans巴拿马人
- Brazilian onyx巴西缟玛瑙
- Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.巴西红厚壳
- paste dryer白燥油
- Aspidosperma album R. Ben.白盾籽木(金盾木)
- Y2K problem(y for year,k for kilo or thousand)
- (quaternary/information industry)
- canonization of "Saints"
- "Strike"
- "On your marks!"
- "Ball"
- "two equal political entities
- two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by
- three links:link of trade,travel and post
- "Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep.
- a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot
- ampersand
- waiter
- electronic coponent marking ink
- keep
- cash
- pay
- sign
- accept
- cancel