- value of the customer顾客总价值
- total cost of the customer顾客总成本
- consultation committee顾问委员会,咨询委员会
- Consultant顾问,咨询
- Worker involvement雇员参与计划
- Hire雇,租
- employee stock ownership plan雇员持股计划
- Employee Contribution雇员供款
- employee welfare雇员福利
- Employee orientation雇员上岗引导
- Employer Contribution雇主供款
- officer & director liability雇主保险
- guarani瓜拉尼(巴拉圭)
- UNICE雇主联合会
- lease挂靠
- nominal rate挂牌汇率,名义汇率
- an adjunct organization挂靠户
- Shut down关闭,停工,停产,停业
- listed bond挂牌债券,上市证券
- critical assumptions关键假设
- Affiliated company关联公司,联营公司
- key attribute关键属性
- affiliated enterprise关联企业
- Tariff关税,税则
- connected person关联人
- tariff classification关税分类
- tariff barrier关税壁垒
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,GATT关税暨贸易总协议
- Tariff Quota关税配额
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)关税贸易总协定
- customs union关税同盟
- TC tariff circular关税通报
- tariff cartel关税同盟,关税卡特尔
- tariff concession rate关税优惠率
- duty drawback关税退税
- closely-related units关系户
- The Related people关系人
- Related parties关系企业
- Tourist Tax观光客税
- Watch list观察名单
- government organ官报
- Official官方的,正式的,官员
- delegation of authority官方代表团
- official rate (of exchange)官方汇价
- official short-term credit官方短期信用
- Official Market Exchange Rate官方汇率
- official list官方牌价
- official exchange rate官方汇率,法定汇率
- official seal官方印章
- official approval官方批准
- Patriot missile
- X-mark a signature
- Foundations Network Ltd.
- to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
- "check-the-box" rule
- yo-yo stock
- People-first values
- UAE the Union of Arab Emirates
- WT watertight
- Like water off (on) a duck's back
- TAL traffic and accident loss
- actual cash value
- a/r all risks
- Royal Ulster Constabulary
- extra issue
- actionable subsidy
- subunderwriting,distribution
- UITF Urgent Issue Task Force
- engineering
- awareness