- Jaw clutch牙嵌式离合器
- sport芽变
- zygotomere芽孢细菌
- bud scale芽鳞
- eye芽眼,眼
- blastozoid芽生体
- Aphididae蚜科
- hypoploidy亚倍性
- Imine parathion亚胺硫磷
- pulling machine亚麻收割机
- flax growing亚麻栽培
- Flax rust disease亚麻锈病
- poisoning by linseed cake亚麻籽饼中毒
- short-cut nitrification亚硝化
- subtropical fruits亚热带水果
- nitroso compound亚硝化合物
- nitrite poisoning亚硝酸盐中毒
- Ammonia-oxidizers亚硝酸细菌
- absinthe亚洲蒿
- tobacco stuntvirus烟草矮化病
- asian schistosomiasis亚洲血吸虫病
- bacterial leaf spot of tobacco烟草斑点性细菌病
- frog eye leaf spot of tobacco烟草白星病
- black shank of tobacco烟草黑茎病
- magnetized fly ash fertilizer烟灰磁化肥料
- anthraquinone烟华石
- ash pan烟灰盒
- nadp烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核甙酸磷酸
- nicotinic product烟碱剂农药
- vegetable for kimziang腌泡菜用蔬菜
- wether阉公羊
- proloning planting period延长栽培
- Coriandrum sativum L芫荽
- retarding type of cool summer damage延缓型冷害
- rock soil岩成土
- coastal summer coolness沿海寒冷
- chasmophytes岩隙植物
- salt damage area盐害地
- salt accumulation horizon盐分淀积层
- salinization盐化过程
- saline sodic soil盐化钠质土
- saline alkal soil盐化碱土
- soil of base saturation盐基饱和土壤
- base saturation盐基饱和度
- base unsaturated soil盐基不饱和土壤
- base analog盐基类似物
- base pair盐基对
- base sequence盐基顺序
- basic rock盐基性岩
- basic slag盐基性炉渣