- diversifoliate异形叶的
- heterotypic division异型分裂
- heteropterous异形翼的
- heteromorphous mating异型交配
- heterozygoty异型接合性
- anisozygote异型接合体
- heterogenesis异型有性,世代交替
- allopolyploidy异源多倍性
- heterotrophic异养
- xenogamy异株异花授粉
- heterogeneous异质
- Heterothallic异宗配合
- working capacity役用能力
- draught horse役用马
- suppressor mutation抑制因子突变
- draft cow役用牛
- inhibition effect抑制作用
- Leonurus japonicus Houtt益母草
- mutable site易变位点
- useful animal益兽
- spillway face溢廉面
- bleeding溢泌现象
- overflow bank溢炼
- bleeding sap溢泌液
- pterocarpous翼果的
- fly plate翼瓣
- pterospermous翼种子的
- factor variance因子分散
- Pterygoid muscles翼状肌
- degree of factor freedom因子自由度
- confusion of factor因子滑动
- Vaginitis阴道病
- vaginal prolapse阴道脱出
- colposcopy阴道镜检查
- slime from vagina阴道膣粘液
- drought treatment阴干
- repressible enzyme阴遏酶
- anion adsorption capacity阴离子吸附容量
- corpus cavernosum阴茎海绵体
- silver leaved银叶的
- inlet rill引进沟
- diversion port引水口
- imported sheep breeds引入品种
- headrace system引水渠系统
- indoleacetic acid吲哚基醋酸
- introduction breeding引种育种
- indole butyric acid吲哚基丁酸
- waterers饮水器
- beverage crop饮料罪
- drinking water supply饮用水供给