- raphide针晶体
- coniferous针叶的
- loosestrife珍珠枫
- pocket cleaner珍袖清选筛
- special humus substance真腐殖质
- Vacuum freeze drying真空冷冻干燥
- fungus transmission真菌传染
- true resistance真性抗性
- Dermal真皮
- Leaf真叶
- diagnostic horizon诊断土层
- Rootstock砧木
- pressing镇压
- slug test振荡试验
- garden roller镇压器
- evaporation loss蒸发耗损
- shake culture震荡培养
- sirusik irrigation蒸笼式灌溉
- holocarpic整体产果的
- euploidy整倍性
- Limbing and pruning整形修枝
- overall cooperation整体配合
- direct reaction正反应
- normal density curve正规密度曲线
- positive asymmetry正非对称
- normality test正规性检验
- orthogonal coefficient正交系数
- Orthogonal arrays正交排列
- gaussian distribution table正态分布表
- gaussian deviation正态偏差
- law of normal distribution正态分布定律
- Normal curve正态曲线
- positive heterosis正优势
- normalizing selection正态选择
- syndrome症候群
- major gene resistance支基因抗性
- anesis症状缓和
- stem芝
- branch canal,branch channel,offset canal支渠
- sesame cake芝麻粉饼
- branch枝
- leaf number of main culm芝叶数
- ramal枝的
- age of branch枝梢的年龄
- branch tendril枝卷须
- feed of tree leaf and twig枝叶饲料
- mycoplasma synoviae infection枝原体滑液感染
- mycoplasmoses枝原体病
- aorta织脉
- main effect知效应