- Arachnida蛛形纲
- porcine stress syndrome猪应激反应症候群
- Maranta arundinacea L竹芋
- bamboo sprout竹笱
- main factor analysis烛子分析
- initiative absorption主动吸收
- Walkers逐稿器
- generic属的
- feed steaming煮熬饲料
- intergeneric hybridization属间杂种化
- scalded fodder煮沸饲料
- scalding煮沸消毒
- annotate注
- assistant助剂
- storage proteins贮藏蛋白质
- vaccination注射疫苗
- storage root贮藏根
- storage organ贮藏瀑
- storage room贮藏库
- storage facilities贮藏设备
- storage container贮藏容器
- storage feed贮藏饲料
- storage temperature贮藏温度
- storage carbohydrate贮藏碳水化物
- stored product贮藏物
- storage leaf贮藏叶
- carbohydrate reserves贮藏养分
- cocoon storage贮茧
- storage tissue贮藏组织
- grain silo贮粮塔
- storeroom of mulberry leaf贮桑室
- archegonium贮卵器
- palisade parenchyma柱状薄壁组织
- columnar epithelium柱状上皮
- the special equipment专机
- Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn爪哇木棉
- obligate photosynthesis专性光合成
- obligatory parasitic bacteria专性寄生菌
- obligatory anaerobic respiration专性缺氧呼吸
- obligate yeast专性酵母菌
- obligatory anaerobic bacteria专性嫌气细菌
- obligatory aerobic respiration专性有氧呼吸
- transducing phage转导噬菌体
- slag fertilizer of revolving furnace转炉矿渣肥料
- transduced element转导因子
- t dna转移 dna
- green crop loader装青饲料机
- heteroecism转帜生
- Topdressing追肥
- conjugated protein缀合朊