- cyst胞囊,胞囊
- cytoplasmic organelle胞质器
- exocellular胞外的
- Cytoplast胞质体
- hail damage雹害
- acinous gland胞状腺
- saturation moisture capacity饱和持水量
- feeding to appetite饱饲
- maintenance breeding保存育种
- retained water保持水
- bulbosummethod保尔补杀母法
- horticulture under structure保护地园艺
- Protectorate Vegetable保护地蔬菜
- protective response保护反应
- protective fungicide保护杀真菌剂
- protection mechanism保护机制
- covering epithelium保护上皮
- protective screen保护遮板
- guard row保护行
- protected plants保护植物
- protective crop保护罪
- protecting organization保护组织
- foster mother保姆雌畜
- Water-holding capacity保水力
- water holding capacity保水性
- water retention保水能力
- warming irrigation保温灌溉
- brood hen抱卵鸡
- amplexicaul leaf抱茎叶
- Brussels sprouts抱子甘蓝
- leopard moth豹蠹蛾
- popcorn爆裂种玉米
- wood leopard豹蛾
- explosing egg爆破卵
- vase-form training,vase training杯状整枝
- arctic tundra subzone北极冻土亚带
- shell lime贝石灰
- shell powder贝壳粉
- farming preparation备耕
- knapsack mist sprayer背负式弥雾器
- fenthion倍硫磷
- dorsal gland背腺
- Passive intake被动吸收
- coated granular fertilizer被覆颗粒状肥料
- covering complex fertilizer被覆复合肥料
- serving被覆物
- quantity of damage被害量
- part of damage被害部位
- Damage rate被害率
- time of damage被害时期