- Lactation sows哺乳母猪
- sock lamb哺乳羊
- unsaturated capillary permeance不饱和毛管渗透
- unchangeable humus不变腐殖质
- unsaturated solution不饱和液
- unchangeable metamorphosis不变态
- anisopterous不等翼的
- impurity不纯净物
- adventitious roots不定根
- aplanospore不动孢子
- adventitious bud不定芽
- aplanogamete不动配子
- silent gene不活动基因
- immobile posture不动姿势
- inactive capacity不活性能力
- asynapsis不接合
- unheating hothouse不加温温室
- indehiscent不裂的
- incomplete metamorphosis不全变态
- non molting larva不眠蚕
- parakeratosis不全角化
- non exuviated larva不脱皮蚕
- impermeable soil不透水性土壤
- incomplete heat不完全发情
- incomplete phage不完全噬菌体
- imperfect flower不完全花
- imperfect leaf不完全叶
- indigested gross of organic material不消化有机物质总量
- undigested material不消化物质
- sterile line不育系
- Infertility不孕症
- non hibernating egg不越年卵
- localization布局区域化
- ambulacral步带的
- brucellin布氏杆菌疫苗
- ambulatory步行的
- Partial Exclusion Principle部分排除
- walking legs步行足
- receiving of mulberry seed采集桑葚
- picking mulberry采桑
- dummy采精台
- soil sampler采土器
- plucking season采摘季节
- sampling plot采样小区
- seed collection采种
- rapeseed cake菜籽饼
- Myzus persicae菜蚜
- remnant eggs残存卵
- stubble manure残茬堆肥
- terra rosssa残积物