- roughcast warehouse毛坯库
- rough cleanliness毛坯清洁度
- NLP Non Locking Retractor没有自动紧急束紧的安全带装置
- Mercedes- Benz梅塞德斯一奔驰
- end-of-medium character {EM character}媒体结束字符
- RPM Revolutions Per Minute每分钟转速
- KM/L Kilometers/Liter每公升公里
- MPG Mile Per Gallon每加仑哩程
- PPG Pulses Per Gallon每加仑脉冲数
- MIPS Million Instructions Per Second每秒执行百万次指令
- cycles per second {CPS; cps}每秒周期数
- KM/H Kilometers Per Hour每小时公里
- KPH Kilometer Per Hour每小时里程数
- TPI Theads Per Inch每英寸扣数(螺距数)
- USEQP A-4CH test procedure美国LA-4CH法
- diurnal breathing losses美国LA-4C法
- American standards association,ASA美国标准化协会
- RVI Recreational Vehicle Institute (US)美国改装车协会
- Highways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会
- American Association of Engineers , AAE美国工程师协会
- ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会
- Administration(US)美国国家高速公路安全局
- HWFET Highway Fuel Economy Test美国环保局的高速公路省油测试模式
- U.S.G. US Gallon美国加仑(容量单位)
- american express美国捷运
- US EPA 9 -mode test cycle美国九工况法
- FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard美国联邦汽车安全标准
- ASQC American Society for Quality Control美国品管协会
- Association (US)美国汽车电气协会
- AIAE American institute of automobile engineers美国汽车工程师协会
- Association(US)美国汽车零件再制协会
- AMC American Motors Corporation美国汽车公司
- AAA American Automobile Association美国汽车协会
- Association (US)美国汽车引擎修护协会
- CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗
- Vehicle Manufacturers美国汽车制造者协会
- US EPA 13-mde test cycle美国十三工况法
- weighting coefficient美国烟排放物试验循环
- AAS American Astronautical Society美国宇宙航行学会
- DOT Department of Transportation(US)美国运输局
- US EPA heavy duty diesel engine transient test cycle美国重型柴油机瞬态法
- American patents美国专利
- DHAN Door-Handle门把
- window lift control门窗玻璃升降器操纵件
- door lamp switch门灯开关
- loading surface门高
- automatic door warning tell-tale门开警报灯
- CTSY Courtesy门控灯
- door height门宽
- side wall outer panel门立柱
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission