- resistance-to-simulated weathering test耐模拟气候试验
- Wear Resistance耐磨损性
- resistance-to-fire test耐燃烧性试验
- thermal endurance class耐热等级
- resistance-to-humidity test耐湿性试验
- Corrosion resistant steel耐蚀钢
- resistance-to-temperature change test耐温度变化性试验
- electric control panel in south assembly line南线电器汇总
- bag tethers囊加强带
- flexer挠曲试验机
- flexible universal joint挠性元件总成
- EEG Electronic Ephalogram(-graphy)脑电波(图)
- EMB Engine Mangement Bumper能量控制(吸收)式保险杠,缓冲式保险杠
- Energy absorber能量吸收器
- EC BRAKE Energy Consumption Brake能量吸收制动器
- capacity factorr能容系数
- back-flush逆向清洗
- reverse efficiency逆效率
- staple fibre年皮纸
- surface of action啮合齿面
- engaging plane啮合平面
- meshing bush啮合套
- nickel-cadmuum battery镍-镉蓄电池
- nickel-iron battery镍-铁蓄电池
- N Newton牛(顿)
- sample handling system凝水分离器
- shaping machine牛刨
- coefficient of torque adaptibility扭矩适应性系数
- torque tube扭矩套管
- torque tube drive type扭矩套管式
- CC Converter Clutch扭力转换器离合器
- torsion balancer扭振平衡器
- farm transport vehicle农用车
- Farm transporter农用运输车
- idle speed emission limits浓度排放限值
- R.M.M.P. Rich Mixture Maximum Power浓混合气的最大功率
- WU-TWC Warm Up Three-Way Catalytic Convertor暖车三元触媒转换器
- WU-OC Warm Up Oxidation Catalytic Convertor暖车氧化触媒转换器
- Motor暖风电动机
- heater switch暖风开关
- car heater暖风装置
- HVAC Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning暖气,通风与空调
- HBV Heater Blower Voltage暖气鼓风机电压
- HTEM HVAC-Set-Temperature暖气空调设定温度
- Conditioning暖气通风及空调
- HVM Heater-Vent-Module暖气通风模组
- EC欧共体
- ECE 15-mode test cycle欧洲ECE十五工况法
- Euro 2欧洲第二阶段排放限制标准
- ETCC European touring car championship欧洲房(旅游、高性能)车锦标赛
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission