- valve margin气门边限
- valve spring retainer,valve spring seat气门弹簧座
- valve face气门工作面
- stem guide气门杆导管
- valvetrain气门机构
- valve lash adjusting screw气门间隙调节螺钉
- valve duration气门开启持续时间
- inner valve spring,valve inner spring气门内弹簧
- valve cotter气门锁片
- outer valve spring气门外弹簧
- valve rocker chamber cover气门摇臂室罩
- stem overlap气门重叠度
- VTC Valve Timing Control气门正时控制电磁阀
- valve hole气门嘴孔
- rim hole location气门嘴孔的位置
- valve seat气门座
- valve seat width气门座宽度
- valve seat insert(valve seat ring)气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)
- G Gas气体.煤气.燃气
- gas shielded welder气体保护焊机
- PNEU Pneumatic气体的,气压
- gas composition test气体成分试验
- inflator assembly气体发生器总成
- gas chromatography气相色谱仪
- bulk-coal powder pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装电石粉车
- bulk-calcium carbide pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装化学粉粒车
- bulk-cement pneumatic delivery tanker气卸散装煤粉车
- life fish carrier气卸散装面粉车
- gas unloading bulk cement delivery tanker气卸散装水泥车
- BARO. Barometric气压(计)
- pressure compensation气压补偿
- air-power steering气压式动力转向
- EPR Exhaust-Pressure-Regulator气压力调节
- air over hydraulic intensifier气压-液压增压器
- air brake valve气压制动阀
- air booster气压助力器
- EGR3 EGR-Solenoid-#3气再循环电磁阀#3
- Pneumatic brake valves气制动阀
- pneumatic braking connection气制动管连接器
- airbrake hose气制动软管
- air brake reservoir pressrue indicator气制动贮气筒压力表
- MC Motorcar汽车,轿车
- V Vehicle汽车,车辆
- Mtr Motor汽车,马达
- Control System汽车柴油机电子控制系统
- MWA Motor Wheel Brake Assembly汽车车轮制动器总成
- sketch on layout ofr dimenshion's control of assembly汽车尺寸控制图
- production process of automobile汽车的生产过程
- manufacturing process of automobile汽车的制造工艺
- VPWR Vehicle Power supply voltage汽车电源电压
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission