- distance of towing attachment牵引座前置距
- FDEF Front-Defrost-Switch前除霜开关
- front plate前板
- IFS Independent Front Suspension前独立悬挂
- front end cover,front end housing前端盖
- BC Befor Control前段控制
- FLAM Front-Lamp前方向灯
- windscreen前风窗玻璃(前风挡玻璃)
- inclination angle of a windscreen前风窗玻璃的安装角
- FHCC Front-H02-Sensor前含氧传感器
- forward,forward gear前进档
- HO2F Heated-02-Front前加温含氧传感器
- DR Drive Range前进级
- IFS independent front suspension前轮独立悬架
- track前轮距
- FWDL FWD-Low-Switch前轮驱动低速开关
- handle assy.,door O/S前门外手柄总成
- bent ahead前面弯路
- radiator grille前面罩
- rear drive automobile前驱动汽车
- end outline前视轮廓
- front wall shelf beam前围搁梁
- front wall frame前围骨架
- front wall pillar前围立柱
- front wall inner shield前围护板(栏)
- front wall outer panel前围蒙皮
- front skirt rail前围裙边梁
- Front overhang前悬
- front pump (input pump)前油泵
- headlight wiper control前照灯刮水器操纵件
- headlight beam aiming control前照灯光束对光操纵件
- headlamp cleaner前照灯清洁器
- headlight cleaner control前照灯清洗器操纵件
- headlamp levelling device前照灯水平调整装置
- F/F Front Engine/Front Wheel Drive前置发动机前轮驱动
- FE/RD Front Engine/Rear Drive前置发动机-后轮驱动
- front mounted double reduction final drive前置式双级主减速器
- FDV Forward Delay Valve前置延迟阀
- FR: Front Engine,Rear Wheel Drive前置引擎,后轮驱动
- FF: Front Engine,Front Wheel Drive前置引擎,前轮驱动
- latent heat潜热
- SDC Semi Drop Center Rim浅底轮圈(钢圈)
- shallow bending浅弯
- durability tester强度机
- Intensified test强化试验
- PECV Power Enrichment Control Valve强力加浓控制阀
- CRS Coasting Richer System强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统
- forced draught强力通风
- KD Kick Down强迫降档
- carburizing stage强渗期
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission