- EVS Economy Vacuum Switch省油真空开关
- residual travel,excess travel,remainder stroke剩余行程
- RPV Residual Pressure Valve剩余压力控制阀
- cadaver sled test尸体滑车试验
- cadaver impact test尸体碰撞试验
- cadaver drop test尸体下落试验
- diagnostic factro失效标准
- failure mode severity classification失效程度的等级
- Distortion factor失真指数
- duplicating machine Shire施乐复印机
- illuminant A施照体A
- oxygen correction湿度较正系数
- wet-type cylinder liner湿式缸套
- wet equilibrium reflux boiling point湿式平衡沸点
- date of publication十进符号
- decimal十进制数
- spider singe check valve十字单向阀
- cross head engine,cross type engine十字头型发动机
- cross十字轴
- cardan joint十字轴式万向节
- quartz iodine bulb石英碘灯泡
- Countries石油输出国机构
- ID Identification Inside Diameter识别内径
- AGR Actual-Gear实际档位
- AFMA Actual-Force-Motor-Amplifier实际强力马达放大器
- ASRV Actual-Servo-Position实际伺服位置
- object original实物原稿
- aim-oreinted approach实现目标的方法
- Full Mold实型铸造
- ESV Experiment Safety Vehicle实验安全车
- LAB Laboratory实验室,试验所,研究室
- laboratory evaluation实验室鉴定
- acreditatin criteria实验室评定
- laboratory assessment实验室评定者
- beverage tanker食品液罐车
- edible oil tanker食用植物油加油车
- bulk-chemicals pneumatic delivery tanker食用植物油运油汽车
- W With使用,有,附
- EOL End of Life使用寿命终了
- service temperature使用温差
- application frequency使用转速
- run off the roadway驶离道路
- low morale of troops士气低落
- WMI World Manufacturer Indentifier世界车辆制造厂识别
- Variable Valve Timing and Valve Life Electronic Control System世界上第一个能同时控制气门开闭时间及升程等两种不同情况的气门控制系统
- entrance into market市场导入
- height lamp示高灯
- width lamp示宽灯
- tracer gas示踪气体
- E & FR Event and Failure Record事件与故障记录
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission