- double end milling machine双端面铣
- dual engine drive双发动机并联传动
- DD Dual Distributors双分电盘
- twin hock twin beam overhead crane in bridge type双钩双粱桥式行车
- articulated road train双挂式道路列车
- DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System双管路液压制动系统
- dual braking sytem双管路制动系统
- DPB Dual Power Brake双管路助力制动
- double with-bone arm type双横臂式
- TC Twin Carburetor Twin Camshaft双化油器,双凸轮轴
- dual-line braking system双回路制动系统
- DPB dual power brake双回路助力制动
- two speed double reduction final drive双级双速主减速器
- Double step gears双级主减速器
- double-pole connector双极插接器
- twin truss bridge crane双架桥式起重肌
- double joint swig axle双铰接式摆动轴
- double stage voltage regulator双节电磁振动式调节器
- BS Bimetal Sensor双金属传感器
- Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器
- BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor双金属热传感器
- bimetalic oil pressure indicator双金属式机油压力表
- bimetallic oil pressure snesor双金属式机油压力传感器
- bimetallic temperature sensor双金属式温度传感器
- bimetallic fuel indicator双金属式油量表
- BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve双金属式真空转换阀
- bimetallic shoe brake drum双金属式制动鼓
- double way check valve双进口单向阀
- DIS Dual Induction System双进气系统
- twin cassette radio and recorder双卡收录机
- AID Air Injection Dual双空气喷射
- double cardan universal joint双联万向节
- compound planet gear双联行星齿轮
- double girder overhead traveling crane双梁桥式起重机
- twin beam overhead bridge crane双梁桥式行车
- twin beam overhead crane双梁行车
- two leading shoe brake双领蹄式制动器
- refrigerator Shuanglu双鹿电冰箱
- dual tyre双轮胎
- dual spacing双轮中心距
- DDD Dual Diaphragm Distributor双膜片分油盘
- truck with four seats双排座货车
- crew cab (double cab)双排座驾驶室
- double plate clutch双盘离合器
- double bevelled oil control ring双坡口油环
- DMS Dual Manifold System双歧管系统
- dual valve双气门
- double chamber hydragas spring双气室油气弹簧
- two-barrel dual carburetor双腔并动化油器
- twin duplex carburator双腔分动化油器
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission