- John Dowey约翰 杜威
- John Hertz约翰 赫茨
- John L. Gaddis约翰 加迪斯
- John Ruggie约翰 鲁杰
- John Courtney Murray约翰 考特尼 默里
- John Locke约翰 洛克
- John Mearsheirmer约翰 米尔斯海默
- John Ikenberry约翰 伊肯伯里
- Joseph A. Schumpeter约瑟夫 A 熊彼特
- Joseph Grieco约瑟夫 格里科
- Joseph S. Nye约瑟夫 奈
- Joseph Phelps Cab-Sauv,Napa约瑟夫菲尔普斯酒庄 赤霞珠
- Joseph Phelps Merlot,Napa约瑟夫菲尔普斯酒庄 美乐
- Joseph Phelps Syrah,Napa约瑟夫菲尔普斯酒庄 西拉
- Bound level约束水平
- Candrakriti月称
- Laurus,Gigondas月桂花冠酒庄吉贡达
- moon disk月轮
- the Moon Lake月牙泉
- Crescent Hill月牙山
- curved knife钺刀
- Genting Highlands云顶高原
- offside tactic越位战术
- Cloudy Valley Temple云谷寺
- Sautéed Sliced Pigeon with Ham云腿骨香炒鸽片
- Mare Nubium云海
- Sautéed Chinese Broccoli with Ham云腿芥菜胆
- Kidney Bean Rolls芸豆卷
- Braised Pigtails with Green Beans芸豆焖猪尾
- Department of Transportation Management运输管理系
- carry运送,手提
- run-stitching运线
- ironing熨烫
- aggregate蕴
- skandhas蕴魔
- the natural disaster relief system灾害救助制度
- Catastrophic success灾难性胜利
- CSMA/CD载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测
- re-employment of laid-off workers再就业下岗人员
- come again再说一遍
- Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said再说一遍好吗?你刚说的话我不明白。
- recapitalization再注资
- endorse在(支票等)背面签名,背书
- opposite在。。。的对面
- Social welfare insurance,particularly old-age,unemployment and medical insurance,must be made mandato在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险
- alongside fortifying the status of the public ownership as the mainstay,it is also encouraged to witn在巩固公有制主体地位的同时,促进多种所有制经济共同发展
- behind在后面,在...背后
- in every sense of word在某种意义上说
- Suspend暂时中止运动员上场比赛,禁赛
- Stewed Fish Snout and Eggs Preserved in Rice Wine糟蛋烩鱼唇
- "shuttle diplomacy"
- damaru
- the principle of "tightening collection and management,plugging up loopholes,punishing corruption and clearing up overd
- "ping-pong diplomacy"
- Air ball
- swastika
- flop
- Pack
- party
- Acting President
- Vice President
- President/Chancellor
- run on banks
- Integration process
- Consumption abroad
- Cross border supply
- Commercial presence
- natural person
- Presence of natural person
- Sweet Martini,Italy