- module of boundaries边界模
- boundary collocation边界配置
- boundary surface边界曲面
- boundary interval边界区间
- integration formula of boundary type边界型积分公式
- transfer of frontier conditions边界条件转移
- marginal distribution density function边缘分布密度函数
- edge chain边缘链
- border set边缘集
- edge operator边缘算子
- Edge density边缘密度
- boundary form边缘形式
- boundary homomorphism边缘同态
- marginal maps边缘映射
- boundary operation边缘运算
- edge-element边缘元素
- coded data编码[的]数据
- edge-subgraph边子图
- coder编器
- platykurtic扁峰[的]
- diplohedron扁方二十四面体
- range of variation变差范围
- oblate ellipsoid扁椭面
- variational inequality变分不等方程
- variable metric algorithm变尺度[算]法
- variation derivative变分导数
- Variational equation system变分方程组
- fundamental lemma of calculus of variation变分法的基本引理
- variational formulation变分公式化
- variation principle变分原理
- transform变换,转换
- argument function变函数
- transformation matrix变换矩阵
- transition rules变换规则
- range of variables ,scope of a variable;variable range变量范围
- change of the variable变量的更换
- change factor变换因子
- rate of change变率,变化率
- variable-separation equation变量分离方程
- variation变数,变分
- variable变数
- linear partial differential equation with variable coefficients变系数线性偏微分方程
- transformation of variable变数转换
- modified Bessel function of the second kind变形第二类贝塞尔函数
- variable变项,变量,元,变元,变数
- modified Bessel function of the third kind变形第三类贝塞尔函数
- modified Mathieu function of the second kind变形第二类马蒂厄函数
- modified Mathieu function of the third kind变形第三类马蒂厄函数
- modified Mathieu function of the first kind变形第一类马蒂厄函数
- modified Bessel function of the first kind变形第一类贝塞尔函数