- essential singular point本质奇点
- essential superior limit本质上极限
- essential supremum,ess.sup本质上确界
- essential homomorphism本质同态
- essentially convergent sequence本质收敛序列
- essentially strictly convex本质严格凸
- essential inferior limit本质下极限
- essentially bounded本质有界的
- essentially bounded本质有界[的]
- essentially self adjoint operator本质自伴算子
- Approximate formulas逼近式
- order of approximation逼近的阶
- breakdown point崩溃点
- approximating proper mapping逼近正则映射
- Bieberbach conjecture比伯巴赫猜想
- Bianchi identities比安基恒等式
- Bitsadze-Lavrentiev equation比察捷-拉夫连季耶夫方程
- ratio estimator比估计量
- ratio estimator比估计
- criterion by comparison比较判别准则
- comparison inspection比较检验
- comparison principle比较原理
- comparison series比较用级数
- third proportional比例第三项
- scale比例尺,标度,图尺
- proportional component比例分量
- scaling method比例法
- theory of proportions比例论
- proportional比例量
- Proportion of lime and fl yash比例配置
- internal terms of proportion比例内项
- Beam-Warming scheme比姆-沃明格式
- ratio-ergodic theorem比率遍历定理
- Peterson inner product彼得松内积
- Petrowsky hyperbolicity彼得罗夫斯基双曲性
- necessary必要
- Peterson graph彼得松图
- necessary and sufficient conditions必要充分的条件
- Pythagorean theorem毕达哥拉斯定理
- necessary and sufficient statistic必要充分统计量
- pythagorean field毕达哥拉斯域
- Phythagorean numbers毕达哥拉斯数
- Pythagorean triplet毕氏三元数组
- closed half space闭半平面
- closed half space闭半空间
- closure property闭包性质
- closure闭包
- closed simplex闭单形
- closure finite闭包有限
- closed equivalence relation闭等价关系