- etale neighborhood层邻域
- laminar flow层流片流
- isomorphism of sheaves层同构
- morphism of sheaves层态射
- etale topology层拓扑
- sheaf homomorphism层同态
- interpolation插值/内插
- crossed homomorphism叉同态
- interpolation polynomial插值多项式
- interpolation approximation插值逼近
- node of interpolation插值节点
- method of interpolation插值法,内插法
- interpolation couple插值偶
- interpolation space插值空间
- interpolation quadrature formula插值求积公式
- interpolation remainder插值余项
- interpolation property插值性质
- error propagation差错传播
- approximation with interpolating constraints插值约束逼近
- EDC差错检测码
- error equation差错方程
- wrong-number check差错校验
- error vector差错向量
- error space差错空间
- difference method差分法
- diffrenge algebra差代数
- difference Monte Carlo method差分蒙特卡罗方法
- difference correction差分矫正
- difference group差群
- difference product差积
- differential sequence差分序列
- difference sequence差数序列
- difference quotient差商
- difference cochain差异上链
- differences差异
- producer risk产方风险
- testing the significance of variation差异显著性检验
- length长(度)
- illusory correlation产生错觉相关
- epitrochoid长短辐圆外摆线
- hypotrochoid长短辐圆内摆线
- prolate shape长椭球
- cuboid长方体
- long exact homology sequence长正合同调[序]列
- long exact cohomology sequence长正合上同调[序]列
- recurrent chains常返链
- Ordinary Representations常表示
- ordinary distribution常分布
- recurrent states常返状态
- mesokurtic distribution常峰态分布