- quickest route最快线路
- sharp gas最危险浓度的瓦斯
- first in最先到达火场的人员和设备
- first arrival最先到达火场的消防车
- first-in officer最先到达火场的消防官员
- minimum burst pressure最小爆破压力
- Minimum ignition energy最小点火能
- minimum occupant load最小居住荷载
- minimum foam application rate最小泡沫应用率
- minimum allowable sensitivity最小容许灵敏度
- minimum damage theory最小损失理论
- minimum clear width of aisle最小通道净宽度
- minimum ignition time最小引燃时间
- minimum response threshold最小应阈值
- most demanding area最需要部位
- best orientation最有利方位
- final exit最终安全出口
- abidance by rule遵守法规
- comply with the law遵守法律
- left hand左手
- side to side sweeping method左右扫射法
- premarking burn作标记前的烧除
- decision process作出决定的过程
- decision making作决定
- squad boss作业班班长
- operational period作业期
- hand crew作业组
- agency part作用部分
- applied load作用荷载
- operational proposal作战方案
- operation plan作战计划
- attack plan worksheet作战计划工作表
- ground extinguishing equipment坐地式灭火装置
- dome light座舱顶灯
- cockpit fire座舱着火
- "B" blasting powder
- "super K"
- "ultra-safe" explosive
- React Team
- "mixed on the job" blasting agent
- "red fume"
- DETACT program
- Metal Guard Powder
- cellar saver
- "can handle"
- hot laboratory
- manikin
- "nothing showing"
- Learn Not To Turn Curriculum
- "Defense in Depth" philosophy
- guttering
- CNS;Children's Nightwear Standard
- Fire Safety Jounal
- Engineering Index
- Fire International