- pool reactor游泳池式反应堆
- pool test reactor游泳池式试验反应堆
- reflected reactor有反射层反应堆
- faulty有故障的
- radiological warhead有放射性战剂的弹头
- harmful aerosol有害性气溶胶
- oh marie有机减速剂反应堆
- organic quenched counter tube有机猝灭计数管
- organic-cooled reactor有机冷却反应堆
- organic cooled heavy water moderated reactor有机冷却重水慢化反应堆
- organic liquid moderated and cooled reactor有机液体慢化冷却反应堆
- organic moderated reactor experiment有机慢化实验堆
- competitive nuclear power有竞争性的核动力
- favorable geometry有利几何条件
- limited safe有限安全的
- limited frequency unannounced access有限次数未预告接近
- effective bohr magneton有效玻尔磁子
- effective multiplication factor有效倍增系数
- effectiveness有效的
- useful capture有效浮获
- effective capture cross-section有效俘获截面
- effective cadmium cut-off有效镉截止值
- effective kilogram有效公斤
- effective cross section for resonance有效共振截面
- effective macroscopic cross section有效宏观截面
- effective interaction有效互作用
- effective delayed neutron fraction有效缓发中子份额
- effective radium content有效镭含量
- effective quantity有效量
- effective ionic charge有效离子电荷
- effective full power days有效满功率天数
- effective full power hours有效满功率小时数
- the active section of collision有效碰撞截面
- effective thermal cross section有效热中子截面
- effective decontamination factor有效去污因子
- effective absorption coefficient有效吸收系数
- effective removal cross section有效移出截面
- effective atomic charge有效原子电荷
- keff有效增殖系数
- effective relaxation length有效张弛长度
- genetically significant dose有遗传影向的剂量
- effective mass absorption coefficient有效质量吸收系数
- useful thermal power有用热功率
- active well coincidence counter有源井式符合计数器
- induced scattering诱导散射
- active neutron method有源中子法
- trochotron余摆管
- cosine theorem余弦定理
- gamma coincident beta spectrum与符合的谱
- fish track鱼形径迹
- one over v law
- detector 1/v
- 2 ionization chamber
- two pi radiation detector
- 2 pulse counting assembly
- 4 ionization chamber
- four pi radiation detector
- four pi counter
- 4 pulse counting assembly
- abc neutron source
- c 14 monitor
- cma diagram
- c neutrons
- d d reaction
- d d reactor
- d t reactor D
- d t fuel cycle
- dee gap
- dee line
- sita pinch