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查校网 > 黄石 > 大学 > 黄石理工学院


  • 公办办学性质
  • 未知在校师生
  • 5274浏览次数


黄石理工学院是一所以理、工科为主,经、管、医、文、教育等学科门类协调发展的多科性本科院校,坐落于素有“江南明珠”之称的湖北省第二大城市——黄石市。校园占地面积2189亩。临磁湖万顷碧波,倚青龙山千亩青翠,草木葱茏,鸟语花香,环境优雅宜人。学院拥有校舍建筑面积54万平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值8170.46万元,馆藏图书80.9万册,电子图书25.46万册,中外文期刊2000余种,图书馆被评为“省级优秀图书馆”。学院办学力量雄厚,服务体系完善,多次被评为省级文明单位,是育人、成才和科技创新的理想学府。 黄石理工学院设有机电工程学院、电气与电子信息工程学院、环境科学与工程学院、化学与材料工程学院、计算机学院、土木建筑工程学院、医学院、数理学院、经济与管理学院、艺术学院、师范学院、外国语学院、国际学院、高等技术学院、继续教育学院、网络学院、体育部、人文社会科学部等18个院(部)级教学单位,开设有30个本科、51个专科专业,其中环境工程、机械设计与制造专业为教育部教学改革试点专业。 黄石理工学院现有机械电子工程和环境工程2个省级重点学科、1个省级优秀中青年科技创新团队、3个院级重点学科、2个院级扶持学科、3个院级优秀中青年科技创新团队。设有省级CAD培训基地、网络中心和长江环境工程研究院、黄石正一机电研究所等7个科研院所及机械示范中心、先进制造技术、自动控制、电工电子、环境工程综合、基础化学、网络技术、计算机基础、建筑材料、电子商务、服装艺术综合等近50个实验室。黄石理工学院现有专任教师900余人,其中教授(正高级职称)50人、副教授(副高级职称)296人,博士、硕士375人。教师中有6人享受国务院特殊津贴,7人获省级有突出贡献中青年专家称号,1人为湖北省高层次人才,2人享受省政府专项津贴。11人为兼职硕士生导师,另有外聘知名学者10人为兼任教师。 Huangshi Institute of Technology (HIT) composed mostly of science and technology schools is a public college administrated by Hubei Committee of Education. It is located in Huangshi,the pearl to the south bank of the Yangtze River, the second largest city in Hubei Province. It faces Cihu Lake and leans against Qinglong Hill. The college occupies an area of 145 hectares, and the total area of the teaching buildings and dormitory buildings is 520,000 square meters. The total value of the teaching and research apparatuses is about 50 million RMB. The library boasts 640,200 volumes of books and about 2000 Chinese and overseas periodicals. And the logistic system is perfect. HIT has900 full-time teachers. There are 21 professors, 265 associate professors, 11 doctors and 160 masters. 4 teachers have been awarded special allowances by State Council, one special allowances by the government of Hubei Province and still another 5 the title of “Distinguished Youth Expert” for their great contribution at Provincial level. On the garden-like campus stand modern teaching buildings, research buildings, laboratory buildings and libraries. Between the buildings are green lands and tall trees. We can enjoy the beautiful shadow of the trees. The campus is quiet that it is an ideal place for the cultivation of talents and innovations in science and technology. There are altogether 16 teaching units,School of Mechanic and Dynamic Engineering, School of Electric and Electronic Information Engineering, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Construction, School of Business Administration, School of Economics, School of Computer and Information Engineering, School of Art, Normal School, International School, School of Foreign Language , School of Mathematics and Physics , School of Chemical and materials Engineering , Physical Education Department, Humanity and Social Science Department as well as Modern Educational Technological Center and the Adults Education School. There are 20 specialties for undergraduate education and 50 specialties for vocational and technological education, among which are the specialty of Environmental Engineering, the specialty of Mechanical Manufacturing and Equipment, are authorized as the pilot projects of the State Educational Reform. HIT boasts CAD Training Center, Computer Network Center and 26 laboratories, which are for Metal Processing, Electrician and Electronics, Basic Chemistry, Basic Computer Operation, Modern Manufacturing Technology, Environmental Engineering, E-business, etc. There are about 20,000 students on the campus.


  • 教学规模:
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