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查校网 > 清远 > 职高技校 > 清远职业技术学院


  • 公办办学性质
  • 未知在校师生
  • 6904浏览次数


清远职业技术学院成立于2002年,是经广东省人民政府批准、国家教育部备案的综合性公办高等院校。学院坐落在有“珠江三角洲后花园”之称的中国优秀旅游城市——清远市。清远市毗邻广州国际机场,京珠高速、京广铁路纵贯南北,距广州市中心仅60公里,交通便捷。学院规划用地3461亩,目前校园建成面积近千亩,建筑面积17万平方米,拥有较为完善的教学及教学辅助设施。 建院以来,学院以科学发展观为指导,确立了“以就业为导向,以质量求生存,以创新谋发展,以特色铸品牌”的办学理念,走提升内涵、扩大规模、创建特色相统一的可持续发展之路。2003年学院被国家教育部、卫生部共同确定为全国护理专业紧缺人才培养培训基地。2005年学院被认定为“广东省扶贫培训基地”。2005年5月,中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记张德江在视察我院时给予充分肯定,为学院留言:“兴教育才,科学发展,清远宏图,蟠龙腾飞。把清远职业技术学院建设成全国一流职业技术学院。”目前,学院正以迎接2008年人才培养工作水平评估为目标,坚持严谨治教,严谨治学,努力营造良好的育人环境。 全院现有教职工近500人,其中专任教师300多人,拥有一批具有副高以上职称的学科带头人和专业骨干教师。此外,学院还聘有外籍教师、兼职教授和“双师型”教师。学院设有护理学院、家政学院、信息科技学院、现代教育技术学院、继续教育学院等5个二级学院和生物应用技术、经济管理、应用外国语等3个系,开设专业41个。学院面向全国14个省招生,现有全日制普通专科学生7000多人。 Founded in 2002, approved by the People's Government of Guangdong Province and put on file to the State Educational Ministry, Qingyuan Polytechnic is a comprehensive and public college of higher learning. With a planed area of 2.1 square km The new campus covers an area of 1000 mu with a building area of 170,000 m2 at 1st of its 3 projects. it lies in Qingyuan Municipality -- which is known as "Backyard Garden of Pearl River Delta "and one of "China's Top Tourist Cities ". The city, with fantastic transport, leads an easy access to Guangzhou International Airport, and only 60 km away from downtown of Guangzhou Municipality. Further more, Beiking-Zhuhai Expressway and Beiking-Guangzhou Railways run through north and south of the city. Since its founding the college, defines the concept of scientific development and the policy statement of putting employments above everything else, existing by quality, developing by innovations and making brand with characters. It persistently takes the road of unified and sustainable development and expansion in its construction and management of teaching and internal administration. In the year 2003, the college was confirmed as a training base for nursing personnel by the State Educational Ministry and the State Health Ministry. In the year 2005, the college was confirmed as a personnel-training base of Guangdong Province for "Poverty-alleviating Project". In May of 2005, Member of Political Bureau of Central Committee of CPC and Secretary of Party Committee of Guangdong Province, zhang dejiang, inspected and spoke highly of the college, he wrote: "to cultivate personnel by boosting education, making developments scientifically, letting Qingyuan be more thriving and more prosperous like dragon Panlong flying, and build the college into the first class colleges of the nation." The college holds 500 dedicated teaching staff, among whom 300 are professionals including key members of professors and foreign teachers. The college comprises 5 schools of nursing, home economics, information & science, modern technology of education, further education, and 3 departments of practical biotechnology, economics & administration and foreign languages. There are more than 7000 students from 14 provinces of the nation finding their very best chance of success in the college which offers a wide range of professional courses of 41 majors. In order to pass through the national assessment of personnel cultivation project in 2008 the college makes efforts to improve teaching and learning administration so that environment of personnel cultivation can be formed.专业设置Curriculum Specialties学院坚持以转变教育思想为先导,面向市场,以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,以专业设置、专业结构调整和专业建设为龙头,以教学改革为核心,以教学基本建设为重点,在人才培养上初步形成了主动适应经济社会发展需求和服务地方的办学机制。 在新专业开发和专业结构调整的工作中,学院将面向三个区域设置专业:一是根据清远市的支柱产业、特色农业和旅游业设置和调整专业,把“立足清远、服务地方”的办学定位落实到实处;二是面向全国技能型紧缺人才的专业领域开发新专业,以主动适应经济社会发展对人才的需求;三是面向国内外就业市场设置特色专业,叩开国外就业市场的大门,逐步实现学院人才培养走向世界的办学目标。 By taking teaching reform as a leading role, the emphasis suitable to the requirements of social and economic development as well as service to the localities is on the markets, employment and service. And a new educational system for personnel cultivation has been advocated. In developing new majors and adjustments the college aims to offer majors in 3 fields, such as fundamental industry, characterized agriculture and tourist industry in Qingyuan by “gaining a firm footholds in Qingyuan and service to local place”. Meanwhile the college sets majors and courses in accordance with the requirements of professional and skillful talents in our country and the world so that students have access to more and better chances and opportunities both at home and abroad. 办学成就Pathways To Enrollment and Employmen学院坚持“立足清远、服务地方、突出特色、做大做强”的办学定位,高度重视毕业生就业工作,2004年成立了学院毕业生就业指导中心,下设就业指导教研室,并确保毕业生就业指导服务机构、人员、经费“三到位”。中心本着“管理、服务、市场、品牌”的工作宗旨,为学生求职和用人单位招聘提供专业指导和全面服务。目前已初步建立较完善的毕业生就业市场和就业服务体系,并切实加强与企业的紧密联系,推进校企合作,现已建立相对稳定的院外就业基地100多个。 为提高学院的人才培养水平,学院将坚持“围绕产业办学,办好专业促产业”,继续加大产学研结合、校企合作力度,从专业设置、校外实训、师资来源、就业方式、管理理念等几个方面,努力实现与市场和社会的“零距离对接”。 Abiding by the policy statement of “setting a firm foothold in Qingyuan, offering service to local place, being distinguished and being better and stronger”, the college lays stress on both enrollment and employment. In 2004 Employment & Service Centre was set up. There is no doubt that clear and detailed information, guidance of skillful directors as well as resource in job hunting can be given to the graduates for their successful careers. The college attaches importance to the job finding and overseas study as well, nation-wide network in personnel exchange functions safe and sound. The college is firmly committed to offering a high quality of employment service and recommendations to the students. Meanwhile cooperative projects and connections with enterprises as well as more than 100 fixed employment bases have been established.


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招生电话:0763-3936666 3999186 39368...

