abreast of
- If you follow people who share your passion they 'll help you keep abreast of everything happening in that area .
- 如果你和分享你酷爱的人一起,他们将帮你了解这个领域所发生的一切最新信息。
- The two parallel sets of activities keep abreast of professional advancement .
- 这两个平行的两套活动跟上职业发展。
- She is trying to keep abreast of the literature .
- 她试图掌握最新的文献资料。
- President barack obama often points to the advances being made in china in touting his own clean-energy ambitions arguing that the u. s.must move swiftly if it wants to keep abreast of its primary asian competitor .
- 奥巴马总统在宣扬其清洁能源远大目标时常常提到中国取得的进步,他说如果美国想与中国这个主要亚洲竞争对手并驾齐驱的话,美国必须迅速行动。
- He drew abreast of me and immediately started talking .
- 他赶上我,立即开始谈了起来。
- The tmf will continue to arrange regular meetings and visits with our overseas counterparts to keep abreast of global developments and to exchange views on matters of mutual interest .
- 香港财资市场发展委员会会继续与海外的同类组织安排定期会议及拜访活动,以确保能掌握全球最新发展,以及就共同关注的事项交换意见。
- It is also important to liaise with organisations that monitor illegal activity on the web to keep abreast of new security issues .
- 同样重要的是,要与那些监控web上不法行为的组织保持联络,以便了解最新的安全问题。
- These enable them to remain abreast of problems in various locations using spare capacity from plants elsewhere to provide extra parts .
- 这些系统让它们能够了解不同地区的问题,并利用其它地区工厂的富余产能提供额外零配件。
- As technology evolves archivists must keep abreast of technological advances in electronic information storage .
- 随著技术的发展,档案必须跟上技术进步的电子信息存储。
- Stays abreast of technology and design trends .
- 紧跟最新的技术和设计趋势。