accord with
1. 合乎
2. 契合
2. 契合
- Now more consideration is paid to whether the government 's actions accord with realistic market principles .
- 现在人们更多考虑的是政府的行为是否符合实际可行的市场原则。
- The reason these examples cheer us up so much is because they don 't accord with real life : they are exceptions freak-shows and fairy stories .
- 这些例子让我们如此兴奋的原因就在于,它们与现实生活不符:它们是特例,是另类展示秀,是童话故事。
- The swiftness of the burial may have raised suspicions but was in accord with islamic traditions .
- 迅速埋葬大海可能引起了不少的怀疑,但却合乎伊斯兰传统。
- Even so a concession on beijing 's part would not only be strategically astute ; it would also accord with national interests .
- 即便如此,北京方面做出让步,不仅会是精明的战略之举,也符合中国的国家利益。
- The relocations were ' voluntary legal and fully respected and in accord with all stringent protocols ' said board chairman robert devereux .
- 董事长德弗罗(robertdevereux)说,搬迁是自愿、合法的,完全受到尊重,并且符合所有严格的协议。
- Apple 's products were designed to accord with the boss 's tastes and to meet his obsessively high standards .
- 苹果公司的产品被设计成符合老板的品味并满足他那极度过分地高标准。
- International norms and agreements on human rights such as the rights of women do not accord with the islamist interpretation of sharia .
- 国际准则以及关于人权的协议如妇女的权利不符合伊斯兰教教法的解释。
- His words are in complete accord with his thoughts .
- 他说的话与他的思想完全一致。
- Priorities are established in accord with the value we assign to the various aspects of our life .
- 需优先考虑的事情的确定是与我们特定的生活的方方面面的价值相一致的。
- Tokyo eventually signed an accord with washington in 1985 to revalue the yen upwards .
- 东京方面最终与华盛顿在1985年签订了升值日圆的协议。