all at once
1. 突然,同时
2. 突然,同时,一起
3. 一下子
4. 忽然
5. 一起
2. 突然,同时,一起
3. 一下子
4. 忽然
5. 一起
- That is what is new among asians elusive unannounced and unmistakable all at once .
- 这在亚洲人身上是一种新现象,来得难以捉摸、突然,却又明确无误。
- I was asking myself these questions when all at once I heard the singing voice of a child in a nearby house .
- 当我突然听见附近房子里孩童歌声时,我向自己如此发问。
- Finally building an entire network all at once produces massive economies of scale .
- 最后,同时修建整个铁路网可产生巨大的规模经济效应。
- At companies that hire directly out of college the entire pool of candidates comes in all at once typically in june .
- 通常在6月份,在那些直接雇佣刚刚毕业的大学生的公司里,它们的人才储备会突然爆满。
- All at once he felt the pangs of hunger sharply .
- 忽然,他感到饿得难熬。
- The cleanup seemed daunting too much for her to deal with all at once .
- 清理工作似乎很艰巨,一下子要处理这么多东西太难了。
- It simply takes time to reduce defense and health spending ; you can 't slash it all at once .
- 我们的法案里减少国防和医保开支只不过要花一些时间;你不能一下子就大幅度削减这些开支。
- If you drink too much all at once or too fast it will simply pass through you with little or no benefit to your body .
- 如果你一次喝太多的水或者太快,它仅仅是从你身体流过,而对你的健康只有一点点或者根本没有作用。
- As matt said in the 3.0 release announcement our goal isn 't to make everything perfect all at once .
- 正如matt在3.0版本发行通知里所说的,我们的目标不是一次性使所有事情达到完美。
- I wanted to shout jump and kiss him all at once but I stopped myself .
- 我想尖叫着跳起来,马上就亲吻他,但是我克制住了。