all the more
基本解释adv. 更加;格外;益;愈加
1. 更加,益发
2. 越发
3. 越加
4. 益发
2. 越发
3. 越加
4. 益发
- That should make firms all the more determined to fund growth internally .
- 这将使得企业更加坚定地依赖内部资金的积累。
- This is all the more worrying given the rapid ageing of italy 's population .
- 伴随着意大利人口的迅速老龄化趋势,这种情况不得不让人更加担忧。
- Their wait is all the more painful because credit is belatedly tightening .
- 对中国人而言,等待更加痛苦,因为尽管有所延迟,信款正在收紧。
- The buildup is all the more remarkable because it has happened while china 's domestic stock market has tanked .
- 考虑到今年中国国内股市暴跌,外汇储备仍实现了增长就越发非同一般。
- This makes vowel sounds and rhoticity all the more important in conveying accent in song .
- 这使得元音和儿化音在歌曲中的口音中始终更加重要。
- Those terms became all the more unpalatable to paramount after mr cruise 's bizarre behaviour .
- 在克鲁斯做出怪异之举后,他的合同条款就更加令派拉蒙感到不快了。
- The weak economy makes a budget breakthrough all the more urgent .
- 美国疲软的经济形势令两党在预算问题上取得突破变得愈发紧迫。
- Thailand 's recovery is all the more remarkable considering its political backdrop .
- 在动荡的政治环境下,泰国的经济复苏愈加引人注目。
- Prolonged or repeated exposure to secondhand smoke is all the more dangerous .
- 持续更久时间或者反复吸入二手烟会更危险。
- Mr posen clearly believes that another round of qe would be all the more effective if other central banks joined in .
- 布森显然认为另一轮的量化宽松政策在有其他国家中央银行的参与下会更有效。