argue about
1. 争辩
2. 议论某事
2. 议论某事
- One reason is that scientists seem likely to argue about the validity of her work .
- 其中一个原因是科学家们似乎会争论她的工作的有效性。
- Historians will argue about the paulson-geithner-bernanke reaction but the economy seems to be stabilizing .
- 历史学家将来会争论paulson-geithner-bernanke的做法,但眼前经济似乎正在稳定下来。
- Split hairs to make oversubtle or trivial distinctions ; to argue about the correctness of unimportant details .
- 进行过于精细或微不足道的区分;或争辩不重要的细节问题。
- Economists argue about whether or not emerging economies will follow america into recession .
- 经济学家们正在就新兴经济体是否会步美国的后尘走上衰退之路辩论不休。
- If that process truly kicks off no one will argue about whether china 's stockmarkets are crashing or not .
- 如果这种情况真发生的话,没有人会讨论(目前)中国的股市是否崩盘与否。
- Researchers continue to argue about exactly where that threshold lies not least because retail banking is such a local business .
- 研究者继续为这条分水岭的精确位置展开争论,这主要是因为零售银行业的地区性质是如此之强。
- Experts argue about exactly how many people are affected but the number has probably held flat at just below 1 billion since 1990 .
- 专家们为受到影响的精确人数而争论,但这个数字可能仅略低于1990年的10亿人。
- We don 't have time to argue about this .
- 我们没时间为这件事争吵。
- Do we have to argue about this ?
- 我们非要为这个吵吗?
- I don 't want to argue about it any more .
- 我不想再争辨什么.