argue for
- They argue for the potential of a meltdown in chinese economic activity .
- 他们认为中国将面临这经济崩溃。
- Another possibility would be to argue for higher taxes .
- 另一种可能是,主张提高税率。
- Sentence is imposed by the judge after a sentencing hearing at which the prosecutor and defense attorney argue for the sentence each thinks is appropriate .
- 判刑是由法官在量刑听证会后作出。会上,公诉人和被告律师就各自认为适当的量刑展开争论。
- Yet jesus used this verse to argue for his deity .
- 然而耶稣用了这首诗辩称他的神。
- But experts can also play a major role in reform by giving a government intellectual firepower to argue for change despite resistance from vested interests .
- 但专家们可以不顾既得利益者的反对,为政府提供学术上的理由来论证改革的必要性,进而也能够在改革中发挥重要作用。
- Rourke and anderson argue for a quantitative content analysis technique and question the rigor of the research in this area .
- 鲁尔克和安德森认为内容的定量分析技术问题,在这一领域研究的严谨态度。
- Nussbaum calls on a great tradition of educational reformers-rousseau johann pestalozzi friedrich froebl horace mann dewey-to argue for the place of creative play and imaginative sympathy in education .
- 诺斯鲍姆呼吁伟大的教育改革家们罗素、约翰裴斯泰洛奇、弗雷德里克弗洛布、霍勒斯曼恩和杜威遵循传统,为保留教育中创造性的玩耍和富有想象力的同情而争辩。
- This is not to argue for laissez-faire .
- 这并不是要支持放任政策。
- Many internet experts however argue for less legal protection of new ideas .
- 然而,许多互联网专家主张不宜对新事物过多地采取法律保护。
- Plus it can make us feel awkward if we argue for more money .
- 再加上,好像为获得更多的薪酬去争论,感觉挺尴尬的。