as a matter of fact
1. 事实上,其实
2. 其实,事实上
3. 实际
4. 实际情况,真相
5. 实际上
2. 其实,事实上
3. 实际
4. 实际情况,真相
5. 实际上
- As a matter of fact people are in a scarcity mentality .
- 事实上,人与人之间的心灵交流比较少。
- As a matter of fact she found herself enjoying the physical labor and careful attention to logistics .
- 事实上,她发现她自己很享受这种体力劳动和这种小心翼翼的“物流”管理。
- As a matter of fact if you are self-compassionate new research suggests you are more likely to actually arrive at your destination .
- 新的研究表明,事实上,如果你具有自我同情心,你更有可能到达成目标。
- As a matter of fact even without losing a pound you will feel better as soon as you start eating right and exercising .
- 事实上,不需要减体重,只要你正确饮食、多做锻炼了,你就会感觉很好。
- As a matter of fact barack obama has now with the prosecution of bradley manning indicted as many people for whistleblowing or leaks as all previous presidents put together .
- 事实上,随着对布拉德曼宁进行控告,奥巴马现在指控揭发弊端或泄密的人数相当于前几届政府的总和。
- But as a matter of fact potatoes taste better .
- 可实际上是土豆更好吃。
- As a matter of fact the disproportion is frequently exaggerated .
- 实际上,这种不均衡常常被夸大。
- As a matter of fact these websites become large databases of ideas .
- 实际上,这些网站有很大的数据库。
- As a matter of fact if you want to go crazy get rid of all your information : it 's called sensory depravation .
- 实际上,你要是想疯掉的话,那就处理掉你接收的所有信息吧:这就是所谓的感官恶化。
- As a matter of fact I hope you never ever read this .
- 其实,我从来都不想让你看到这封信。