at ease
1. 安逸,自由自在
2. 自由自在,舒适,舒坦
3. 稍息
4. 放松,轻松
5. 舒坦
6. 无拘无束
7. 舒适
8. 不拘
2. 自由自在,舒适,舒坦
3. 稍息
4. 放松,轻松
5. 舒坦
6. 无拘无束
7. 舒适
8. 不拘
- Reggie was very at ease a lovely man .
- 雷吉是个很自在很可爱的人。
- When I told him it was to accompany adam gopnik 's scathing assessment of the u. s.penal system he was at ease .
- 当我告知他,这个项目是为了配合adamgopnik对美国刑事刑罚体系的质问时,他才安心。
- Americans and europeans are increasingly ill at ease with the new world order that emerged after the end of the cold war .
- 美国人和欧洲人对冷战结束后出现的“新世界秩序”日益感到不安。
- To feel at ease try closing your eyes then opening them slowly just before the photo is taken .
- 寻找安逸的感觉尝试着闭上眼睛在拍照前缓慢的睁开.
- When you go into every situation feeling at ease with who you are no matter what happens you 'll come out ahead .
- 当你在一个情景中自然地表现出自己的个性时,不管什么情况发生,你总是会处在前列。
- It 'll put you both at ease .
- 这能让你们双方都更自在。
- They were also at ease with friends of different ages .
- 他们与不同年龄的朋友在一起也轻松自在。
- Retailers are creating shopping spaces meant to put men at ease .
- 零售商正在创设意在让男性感觉轻松自在的购物空间。
- When mr roh and george bush met in washington their body language loudly betrayed how mutually ill at ease they were .
- 当卢武铉与小布什总统在华盛顿会晤时,他们的身体语言完全暴露了双方是多么地不自在。
- They could put your mind at ease - or do very much the opposite .
- 它们可能会让你放心,也可能会更让你担心。