at fault
基本解释有错, 有责任;有过失
1. 出毛病/出故障
2. 出差错
3. 犯错
4. 出毛病
5. 有错误
6. 有毛病
7. 有故障
8. 感到困惑
2. 出差错
3. 犯错
4. 出毛病
5. 有错误
6. 有毛病
7. 有故障
8. 感到困惑
- Neither you nor your brother is at fault .
- 你和你的兄弟都没有错。
- Who is at fault in the accident ?
- 在这场事故中谁是过错方?
- Yes more expensive energy and bad weather are partly at fault but the real question is why adjustment hasn 't been easier .
- 诚然,世界能源价格上涨和恶劣的环境条件必须付上一定的责任,但确实的问题是我们的调节机制不能够有效地工作。
- At fault may be the very idea of highlighting a site 's particular merits .
- 有过失可能正是一种来突显古迹的特殊价值的办法。
- The embarrassing discovery of which then carries very damaging consequences for those at fault .
- 令人窘迫的发现是,这些错误总是带去具有毁灭性的后果。
- All we teach them is that the establishment is against them that they are victims and that the rich are at fault .
- 我们教会他们的是:既定的一切都是他们的对立面,他们是受害者,富人们是错的一方。
- Captain francesco schettino remains under house arrest as investigators work to determine exactly what happened and who was at fault .
- 船长francescoschettino作为有过错的人仍被软禁在家,于此同时调查小组正在确认究竟发生了什么。
- If countries cannot reach agreement under consultation which can take up to 60 days the wto will appoint a panel to examine the case and decide whether china is at fault .
- 如果各国无法通过磋商达成协议,磋商可能要用60天时间,世贸组织将指派一个专家组来调查这个案件并裁决中国是否有错。
- This machine-tool is always at fault .
- 这台机床老是出毛病。
- Review board officer not at fault in deadly shooting .
- 审查委员会主任只在致命的射击故障。