at one time
基本解释一度, 从前
1. 曾经,从前曾
2. 以前,曾经
3. 曾经,一度,同时
4. 一度 曾经
5. 曾经
6. 同时
2. 以前,曾经
3. 曾经,一度,同时
4. 一度 曾经
5. 曾经
6. 同时
- Germany wants poland in at one time even talking of it joining in 2015 .
- 德国希望波兰加入欧元区,甚至一度提及波兰在2015年加入。
- At one time controversial many consultants are now viewed by admission committees as legitimate businesses with a role to play in the application process .
- 许多一度充满争议的顾问,现在被招生委员会视为正当生意,在申请流程中扮演有自己的角色。
- The financial action task force used to publish a regularly up-dated blacklist of so-called non-co-operative territories which at one time included russia the cayman islands and israel .
- 金融行动特别工作组曾定期发布所谓不合作地区的最新黑名单,俄罗斯、开曼群岛和以色列一度被列入黑名单。
- At one time the hunt provided needed food and furs for harsh winters .
- 曾经,狩猎为恶劣的冬季提供了需要的食物和皮毛。
- It has tried all sorts of different things . At one time nokia made rubber boots .
- 尝试过各种各样不同的事情,曾经有一次试过制造橡胶靴。
- Whether as a child or as an adult nearly everyone has had a food allergy at one time or another .
- 无论是小孩还是成人,几乎每个人都曾经发生过一次或一次以上的食物过敏。
- After all every flawed procedure was at one time considered by someone to be a best practice .
- 毕竟,每一个有缺陷的程序又同时被一些人认为是最好的实践。
- Communities of trees with different ages fared better than those planted all at one time .
- 有着不同树龄的树群比起同时种下去能长的更好。
- These machines involve rotation around several joints working a large group of muscles at one time reducing the overall time in the gym .
- 这些器械在多个关节点配有旋转式设计,可以同时活动多个肌肉群,进而缩短了健身总时间。
- 90 Different things at one time .
- 一次有90种不同的事情。