at the cost of
1. 以...为代价
3. 以之为代价
3. 以之为代价
- At the cost of untold losses-a poem a sigh .
- 一首诗,一声叹息都是以数不清的损失为代价。
- These people stopped bandits and terrorists at the cost of their lives .
- 这些牺牲的人以生命为代价阻止了匪徒和恐怖分子的险恶图谋。
- Must a competitively priced new gadget come at the cost of young lives ?
- 我们必须要牺牲年轻的生命来换取具有价格竞争力的新设备吗?
- As a polemicist mr mamet is impressive-but at the cost of intellectual honesty .
- 作为一个善辩者,马梅先生令人影响深刻但他牺牲了理智上的诚实。
- But any long term gain could come at the cost of short-term employment losses .
- 不过,任何长期的升值都可能以短期就业岗位减少为代价。
- Even its much-abused expenses system is being cleaned up though at the cost of higher salaries for most meps .
- 甚至其滥用无度的经费报销体系也正得到清理,尽管代价是向大多数欧洲议会议员支付更高的工资。
- Given that the soviet union played the decisive military role in hitler 's defeat at the cost of 25 million dead it 's scarcely surprising that russians are outraged by such accusations .
- 考虑到苏联在击败希特勒时起到的决定性军事作用以及为此付出2500万条性命的代价,就决不会为俄罗斯人被此类指责激怒而感到惊讶了。
- That elite would much rather create export jobs even at the cost of subsidizing foreign buyers than allow the yuan to rise and thereby risk job shortages at home .
- 即使要付出补贴外国买家的代价,中国统治精英也更愿意在出口行业创造就业机会,而不愿让人民币升值从而承受国内出现就业岗位短缺的风险。
- Until recently chinese banks enjoyed this state protection at the cost of limited freedom .
- 直到最近,中国各银行都以有限的自由为代价享有这种国家保护。
- In 2011 governments moved to quell the inflationary pressures even at the cost of stock market sell-offs and weaker growth .
- 在2011年,各国政府纷纷着手平抑通胀压力,不惜以股市下跌和经济增长放缓为代价。