at the most
1. 至多,顶多
2. 大多数的时候
3. 至多,不超过
4. 不超过
2. 大多数的时候
3. 至多,不超过
4. 不超过
- At the most basic level bothbluetoothand wi-fi are wireless technologies that allow for connection .
- 就最基本的层面上而言,蓝牙和wi-fi都是虑及连接的无线技术。
- Inevitably this means the formulas break down at the most critical times .
- 而这必然意味着模型公式可能在最为关键的市场时点崩溃。
- Women in france have one baby two at the most !
- 法国女人只生一个孩子,两个最多了!
- Did you check at the most central resident .
- 顶多查你在什中央寓居。
- Up to ten states she said would be allowed to target their resources at the most severely struggling schools rather than at the vast number needing improvement .
- 她说,至多有十个州将获准把教育资源投给困境程度最严重的学校,而不是泛泛投向大量需要改进的学校。
- They looked at the most recently formed and forming stars in the clouds from previously published data .
- 他们在以前的出版数据中查阅了星云中最新形成和正在形成恒星的情况。
- Your mission statement is an opportunity to define your business at the most basic level .
- 你的公司宣言是一个机会去定义你的商业在最基本的层次。
- The future is a shylock ...... always demanding its pound of flesh at the most inconvenient moment .
- 未来是夏洛克--总是在最不方便的时候要求分一块肉。
- But a new report by two world bank economists warns against relying on decisions made at the most local level of government .
- 世界银行两位经济学家最近联合发表了一篇最新报告,报告警告说地方政府做出的决定不值得信任。
- In this article we look at the most common negative emotions experienced in the workplace and how you can manage them productively .
- 在本文中我们一起来看一下在职场中最普遍的负面情绪----以及您如何能够有效地管理它们。