blank out
基本解释v. 取消,作废
- Do you blank out freeze up or feel so nervous in exams that you have trouble writing answers to questions that you knew just last night ?
- 你有没有在考试时头脑一片空白、发呆或者异常紧张,以致很难写出昨晚你刚记过的问题的答案?
- Do you blank out freeze up or feel so nervous in exams that you have trouble writing answers to questions that you knew just last night .
- 你有没有在考试时头脑一片空白发呆或者异常紧张以致很难写出昨晚你刚记过的问题的答案。
- Some protesters are claiming the pictures have been posted simply to ' bait ' and ' insult ' muslims and argue the least wikipedia can do is blur or blank out the faces .
- 一些抗议者声称张贴这些图片仅仅只是为了“引诱”和“侮辱”穆斯林,并且要求维基百科至少可以对先知的面部作模糊或者空白处理。
- Panic reduces energy uses up precious air and causes you to blank out .
- 惊慌会消耗体力,也会使你用尽车内稀少的空气,最终导致昏厥。
- Her mind reeled as a numbness tried to blank out everything .
- 她的心摇摇晃晃作为麻木试图空出的一切。
- The more worked up and nervous you are during the exam the more likely you are to forget something or blank out .
- 不幸的是,这也是最难的一步。你越用心越紧张,很可能你越会忘记什么事情。
- But it s okay to leave the email address blank when filling out forms .
- 但还好留下空白的电子邮件地址时填写表格.
- You may draw a blank run out of time or find that you neglected an important part of the course in studying for the test .
- 你可以抓一个空白,运行时间了,或者发现你忽略了一个用于测试学习该课程的重要组成部分。
- The carrying mailing and transporting blank invoices in and out of the territory are prohibited .
- 禁止携带、邮寄、运输空白发票出入境。
- Made out to order and blank endorsed .
- 开出的秩序和空白背书。