block in
1. 填塞,堵塞
2. 区划
3. 堵塞
4. 草拟
5. 画草图
2. 区划
3. 堵塞
4. 草拟
5. 画草图
- Apple has a revenue sharing model in place which is a stumbling block in the chinese market .
- 苹果已经有一套固定的销售模式,这个在中国市场上是一个障碍。
- Click where you want to insert a building block in the document .
- 单击文档中要插入构建基块的位置。
- This artificial reality included a circle of railway track about a block in diameter and a locomotive about chest high .
- 这个人造现实包括一个直径约一个街区那么大的环形铁轨和一个齐胸高的火车头。
- This week he ordered a scandal-tainted apartment block in mumbai to be razed .
- 这周他命令拆除孟买一栋饱受丑闻的公寓大楼。
- Don 't take all the warnings not to block in this function to mean that you can neglect its thread safety .
- 不要将所有告诉您不要在该函数中阻塞的警告理解为可以忽视它的线程安全性。
- The high pressure over russia is particularly pronounced and persistent amounting to a block in the circulation of the atmosphere .
- 俄罗斯上空的高气压尤为明显,而且只增不减,发展成阻碍大气循环中的一片区域。
- Overcoming the problem has been a major stumbling block in efforts to make stem cells fulfil their promise of transforming the future of medicine .
- 能否克服这个难题,一直是一块重大的绊脚石,阻碍着干细胞改变医学未来这一承诺的实现。
- There mast be a block in the pipeline .
- 管道里肯定有东西堵住了。
- He had spent his final months of freedom working under the alias of dr dragan david dabic at an anonymous high-rise block in the western part of the city .
- 他度过了他的最后几个月里,自由下,大卫博士德拉甘达比奇的别名工作的一位匿名的高,在城市西部崛起块。