break into
1. 强行闯入
2. 非法闯入,强行进入
3. 闯入,破门而入
4. 闯入,打断
5. 破门而入,侵占
6. 破门而入
2. 非法闯入,强行进入
3. 闯入,破门而入
4. 闯入,打断
5. 破门而入,侵占
6. 破门而入
- They break into an office so that jack can use the phone .
- 他们闯入了一间办公室,因为杰克需要使用电话。
- After months of sending out resumes you finally break into the working world .
- 经过几个月简历的投递,你终于闯入了工作的世界。
- Africa could break into the global market for light manufacturing and services such as call centres .
- 非洲可以通过其轻制造业和呼叫中心一类的服务业闯入全球市场。
- You can also break into code starting an ajax request ( and break only on specific urls ) .
- 你也能打断代码开始一段ajax请求(只能在特定的url打断)。
- Or do you need to break into my home for anything else ?
- 又或者你闯进我的家里是为了别的事情?
- Like whose idea was it to break into an empty vault anyway ?
- 好像闯进那空的地下室是别人的主意一样?
- The surprise comes when you discover how entrepreneurs are innovating to break into this capital-intensive sector .
- 令人惊讶之处在于这些企业家是如何通过创新来进入这个资本密集型的行业。
- Starbucks has coffee shops in almost all big countries but had found india a tough market to break into .
- 星巴克几乎在所有的大城市都有自己的咖啡馆,但是一直很难进入印度市场。
- It has come up with a clever turnkey solution for luxury watch brands looking to break into china .
- 它为那些试图打入中国市场的高档品牌手表提供了一种聪明的整套解决方案。
- He also argues that these people helped indian software companies break into the american market by vouching for their quality .
- 他还说,这些移民为印度的软件公司进行质量担保,帮助他们打入了美国市场。