check on
基本解释上班;查对; 核实; 检查
1. 检查,阻止
2. 把关
2. 把关
- Thus far the internet has proven an effective check on digital forgery .
- 如此远距离的互联网被证明是对数字伪造者的有效检查手段。
- It is tricky to judge when this necessary check on undue caution turns into an incitement to recklessness .
- 很难判断,什么时候开始对过分谨慎的必要检查变成了鲁莽的诱因。
- The market does the monitoring job : cds prices act as a check on excessively risky business strategies .
- 市场可以承担这个监视工作:cds的价格即起到对过度风险经营战略的检查作用。
- Only their own managerial competence demonstrated amply by a few institutions provides a check on the whole process .
- 只有他们自己的管理能力能提供对整个过程的检查,这一点在一些机构中充分显现出来。
- And expanded privacy protections have created obstacles for colleges in providing information on student performance to parents undercutting a traditional check on student lassitude .
- 同时,更加注重隐私保护成为学校向家长提供学生表现信息的障碍,削弱了检查学生学习态度的传统。
- And that 's of value to private equity investors companies looking for partners or acquisition targets in china and even foreign companies wishing to do a background check on potential suppliers .
- 而这对于私募股权投资者、在中国寻找合作伙伴或收购目标的公司、甚至是希望对潜在供应商做背景调查的外资公司都相当有价值。
- As more academics earn degrees abroad and go back to posts in china informal networks are created that help outsiders check on the quality of applicants .
- 越来越多的大学生在国外取得学位后回国就业,他们形成了非正式的网络,有助于外界把关申请人的素质。
- I call mrs. feinstein and she says she 'll check on her and drops the phone with a thunk .
- 我打电话给范斯坦太太,她说她过去看看,一声谢谢就把电话扔下。
- Swathed in white protective masks and suits residents are bused into the zone on rare occasions to retrieve valuables and check on their homes .
- 裹着白色的防护服和面具,市民被汽车载进安全区,并没有机会取回自己的财产和看看自己的家。
- In theory an independent chairman would provide an important reality check on the strategies of the ceo .
- 理论上,独立的董事长要对首席执行官的策略进行重要的真实性审查。