compete with
1. 与... 竞争
2. 与...竞争
2. 与...竞争
- Africa will compete with asia .
- 非洲将与亚洲展开竞争。
- So the stomachs of the hungry must also compete with fuel tanks .
- 所以,饥肠辘辘的人们又多了油箱这个竞争对手。
- On a computer anyone can put up a web site and compete with an established retailer .
- 在普通电脑上,任何商家都可以建立自己的商铺网页去与对手竞争。
- Your activist neighbour could compete with the new york times in documenting the iraq war .
- 你激进的邻居可能与纽约时报(newyorktimes)争相评述伊拉克战争。
- Wind is inherently variable so it can never compete with the cheap and dirty coal that generates half of america 's electricity .
- 风一向多变,因此它永远比不上廉价又脏兮兮的煤,后者产出了美国半数电力。
- In britain those boxes will soon be deployed to deliver targeted advertising enabling the living-room television to compete with the internet .
- 在英国,机顶盒不久就被用来播放有针对性的广告,从而使得普通电视能够和网络一决雌雄。
- Google 's android operating system is driving a bunch of devices that compete with apple .
- 谷歌android操作系统支持下的一系列硬件设备正与苹果展开竞争。
- Etao and weibo don 't directly compete with baidu in web searches .
- 一淘网和新浪微博没有在网络搜索方面直接与百度竞争。
- Any new owner is likely to seek permission to build a second runway there to compete with heathrow for business .
- 任何的一位新东家都希望可以得到许可在那里新建第二条跑道来与希思罗竞争一下。
- But it also makes sense not to have controls so onerous that your own companies cannot compete with foreign rivals .
- 但是不应使得繁重的控制致使本国公司无法与外国公司进行竞争也有一定的道理。