conform to
基本解释v. 符合,遵照;顺应;相合;入
1. 遵从
2. 符合,遵照
3. 遵从,符合
4. 相符
5. 遵守
6. 合乎
7. 契合
2. 符合,遵照
3. 遵从,符合
4. 相符
5. 遵守
6. 合乎
7. 契合
- Every character requires memorization ; every sentence must conform to structural imperatives .
- 每个字都要死记硬背,每个句子都要符合造句规则。
- Science makes sense of the world by showing how things conform to its hypotheses .
- 科学则通过证明事物都符合他的假设,来使得世界变得有意义。
- Visual exceptions if they don 't conform to the simulation break the illusion .
- 视觉异常,如果他们不符合这种对真实模拟,就去掉这种视觉效果。
- Which vision of an object 's meaning wins ? The kinect does not neatly conform to either theory .
- 对于目标的意义的理论,究竟哪一种是正确的?kinect两者都不符合。
- For customers who travel a lot the bigger american banks will issue smart cards that conform to the international standard .
- 对那些经常旅行的客户们来说,更大的美国银行将发行那些符合国际标准的智能卡。
- It appeared to conform to the company 's public disclosures .
- 这情形似乎与该公司公开披露的资料相符。
- When they are young children of parents who push too hard may try to conform to parental pressure the family institute 's dr. richardson says . But eventually they may ' feel their parents don 't accept who they are ' and rebel
- 家庭学院的理查森说,当他们还小的时候,被父母逼得太紧的孩子可能会努力顺应家长的压力,但是最终他们可能觉得家长不接受他们本来的样子,他们会反抗、做坏事,或者趋于内向,变得焦虑抑郁。
- And devolution law says that actions by ministers and those who work under them must conform to human-rights law .
- 而且权力下放法律表明部长以及那些在部长手下工作的人的决定必须遵照人权法。
- If you are a member of our club you must conform to our rules .
- 如果你是我们俱乐部的成员,那你就得遵守我们的规则。
- One of the most famous experiments showing how easily we conform to unwritten group rules was conducted by asch .
- 阿希实施的最著名的实验之一,就表明了我们是如何容易地去遵守那些不成文的群体规范。