consent to
1. 同意,一致
2. 赞成
2. 赞成
- Many guarantees may simply disappear if guarantors won 't willingly consent to a transfer .
- 如果担保人不同意债权转让,很多担保可能就这么不了了之了。
- Hizbullah needs to be given a way to consent to these changes without losing face .
- 还需要给真主党提供一个同意这些让步但是又不丢颜面的方法。
- In most countries a minor cannot legally consent to sex with an adult though laws vary .
- 尽管各国法律不同,但在大多数国家,未成年人同意与成年人发生性关系在法律上属于无效。
- That requires consent to a common federal structure administered by a legitimate central authority .
- 这就需要各国同意建立统一的联邦制结构,由法定的中央机构进行管理。
- Did you consent to this ?
- 你赞成这样做吗?
- The problem is that many users actually consent to spyware being included when they download and install free utilities or games .
- 问题是很多用户在下载和安装免费的工具或游戏时确实同意包括在其中的间谍软件。
- I am sorry I cannot consent to your request .
- 对不起,我不能答应你的要求。
- This man hath my consent to marry her .
- 这个人得到了我的允许和她结婚。
- By providing written consent to the schools legal guardians are granting to the ibo a non-exclusive charge-free worldwide license for the duration of the statutory copyright protection to reproduce the materials in
- 法定监护人提交书面同意书给学校后,即意味着同意国际文凭组织可以非独家地、世界范围内免费使用这些材料,且在法定版权保护期间,国际文凭组织可以复制这些材料给任何媒体用于上述用途(见3.1小节)。
- Her parents refused to consent to her marriage .
- 她的父母亲拒绝默许她的婚姻。