correspond to
1. 相应
2. 相似
3. 合乎
2. 相似
3. 合乎
- Yet these high private returns do not correspond to their real contribution .
- 但这些人的高收益与他们的实际贡献并不相符。
- Parameters correspond to fields on the report .
- 参数与报表上的字段相互对应。
- Every dollar of increased government spending must correspond to one less dollar of private spending .
- 政府支出的每增加一美元必定对应私人支出的一美元减少。
- Rising output in the health-care or government sectors may not correspond to real improvements : expensive surgery may become more common without improving health .
- 医疗保健或政府部门的产出增长,可能并不与实际的提高相当:费用高昂的外科手术可能更为普遍,但是健康状况并未改善。
- Like jason derek also acquired synesthesia but instead of seeing mathematics derek sees little black and white squares that correspond to keys on the piano .
- 与杰森一样,德里克也是获得了联觉,但不是看到数学,德里克看到的是相当于钢琴琴键上的黑白方块。
- If danny is a reliable witness he is witness to specialized visions of his own that may not correspond to what is actually happening in the hotel .
- 如果丹尼是个可信的目击者,那么他目击到的是自己擅长看到的景象,可能并不对应酒店里发生的实际情况。
- His voice and image correspond to our wishes .
- 他的声音和形象符合我们的愿望。
- China will have to accept a much lower business-profit share of gdp if consumer spending is to raise its share in future and this will correspond to the needed fall-back of currently excessive investment .
- 如果中国打算在未来提高gdp中消费支出的比重,就必须接受gdp中企业利润的比重下滑,这也符合当前过度投资亟需回落的情况。
- In that case individual sounds would be low-level features akin to edges whereas the meanings of conversations would correspond to elaborate scenes .
- 在语言处理中,个别发音是类似于边线的低等级特征,而会话的意思对应于复杂的图像。
- Whether such ideas correspond to anything in the world is irrelevant .
- 至于这些想法是否和世界上的任何东西一致则是不相关的。